He meant well

We were having such a chick-flick movie moment…

I was in the laundry room, folding the last bit of our week’s clothes so I’d be READY to tackle my week. Organized. In control. Relishing a peaceful evening with Mr. Right.
My wonderful husband was in the kitchen, making me comfort food (beef stew and cheesy cornbread because I’m sick… again). He walked into the laundry room, with a spoonful of stewy goodness, and sweetly offered me a taste.
He fed me the heaping spoonful…
And just then I realized that the soup was SCALDING HOT. Probably the same temperature as the surface of the sun. It was so hot I had to spit it out, and the rest of the spoonful dripped down my face and all over the laundry room floor.
After the burning stopped and Mr. Right knew the burns were only minor, we laughed. And laughed. Not exactly the way it happens in the movies.

By the numbers

It was one year ago tonight that I went on my first date with Mr. Right. 365 days. He says that was the night he knew he wanted to marry me. I get a bit sentimental about anniversaries – my sweet husband has been hearing a lot of this lately…

“Honey, one year ago today I started liking you.”
“Honey, one year ago today you asked for my phone number.”
“Honey, one year ago today I got so mad at you because you didn’t call me for a WHOLE WEEK after asking for my number… and then you made it all better by FINALLY asking me out. And I melted. And I’ve never been the same.”
So it’s been 365 glorious days. Here are some other recent milestones, by the numbers:
44: Number of days since I married Mr. Right
78,943: Number of times I’ve thanked the Lord for blessing me with Mr. Right.
0: Number of nights I’ve slept through the night since marrying Mr. Right
0: Number of nights I’d trade Mr. Right for a good night’s sleep
3: Number of books I’ve read on my Nook in the past 44 days
2: Number of those books I’d recommend (Laura Bush’s autobiography, and the new John Grisham novel)
1: Number of Nicholas Sparks books I’ve read this month that I thought were utterly worthless
15: Number of days I’ve been on antibiotics this month (three more to go)
4: Number of meds I’ve run through trying to get better
3: Number of times I’ve forced myself to eat yogurt because that’s what you do when you take antibiotics, even though I’m not sure why (and I hate yogurt)
2: Number of times I’ve been to the doctor
2: Number of dates we’ve been on that ended with me ALMOST throwing up on my husband
687: Number of times people have joked/suggested/thought that the reason I’m sick is because I’m pregnant (they’re wrong)
1: Number of dinner parties I’ve hosted since January (we’ll make that two, later this week)
15: Number of times I would have hosted a dinner party if I hadn’t been sick all month
1: Number of times I visited my beloved old Sunday School class, just to say hello
1: Number of new Bible studies I’ve joined this month – Isaiah is rocking my socks off
768: Number of times I’ve thought, “Ummmm….????” while studying Isaiah
Every time: Number of times I’ve studied Isaiah and been convicted, encouraged, or in awe of the God I serve
I may now glow in the dark from all of the drugs that have flowed through my system these past few weeks, but this time has been such a blessing… full of belly laughs and aha moments, good books and forced rest.

Adventures as a newlywed: The “Aha!” Moments

I’m not sure I ever thought I’d get married. I always hoped I would, but deep down in the darkest recesses of my mind there was always a lingering thought of “What if I NEVER find Mr. Right?” I prayed for years that if God wanted me single, that I could be content with that. In fact, that was the toughest prayer to pray – even the “Lord, wherever you lead me, I’ll go” missionary prayer was easier than the “If you want me to be single, then I’ll be single”prayer. And yet I finally got there, and prayed it, and most days I meant it.

But thankfully God knew I’d find Mr. Right. It just took me 30 years, three apartments, one rent house, my current home, and 13 roommates to seal the deal. In the meantime, I got pretty good at taking care of myself. Good at figuring out how to hang pictures, lift heavy boxes, and repair things with duct tape (you can fix ANYTHING with duct tape).
And then one day I woke up and I found myself living with a HUSBAND. (gasp). Let me tell you, it’s glorious. And funny. And a little weird. But mostly glorious. Here are some of my favorite “Aha!” moments of our first month as newlyweds.
1. Before Mr. Right, I slept on a bed frame that was held together by duct tape. For SEVEN YEARS. Back in 2004 I didn’t know how to put it together, so instead I figured I’d just wrap it in a pound of duct tape and pray that my mattress never came crashing down. And it didn’t, even through three moves. But now I have a handy husband who not only correctly put together our bed frame, but drilled it into our headboard. Watching him with his power drill was SO hot.
2. There is a work bench. In my garage. With tools on it. Before Mr. Right moved in, all of the tools I owned could fit into a tiny clear plastic Target bin, slightly larger than a bread box. I’m pretty sure Mr. Right just threw all of that out. I’m also pretty sure he’ll never use my high heel as a hammer… which I did too many times to count.
3. I wash boy clothes. Mr. Right found me gigglin in the laundry room one night, saying “I’m folding MEN’S underwear!” Who would have ever thought! Silly thing is, I’m secretly so grateful to have the chance to do that for him. There were many lonely nights where I would have given my right arm for the chance to fold a man’s clothes if it meant having one to love me. Mr. Right told me that folding his underoos isn’t necessary, but I can’t bear the thought of stuffing a jumbled mess into his drawers. And so I fold his laundry and thank the good Lord for bringing him to me.
4. Someone else brings my trash cans in from the curb. This is something I’ve hated doing all my life, and every time I come home to find my trash cans neatly back in their place inside our garage, I get a bit sentimental. I think Mr. Right is just relieved that I’m so easily pleased.
5. There is a man in my bed! For a girl who has slept alone for 30 years, this has taken some getting used to. I haven’t had a solid night’s sleep in over a month, but every time I wake up to the sensation that someone is lying next to me, I am so thankful that he’s there. And he knows I’m there, because my icy cold feet keep kicking him in my sleep. Sorry about that.
6. He brings me coffee in the morning. Before Mr. Right came along, one of my favorite things was the rare occasion where I would remember to set the coffee pot up the night before and the automatic timer would brew my coffee and have it ready when I woke up. Now my automatic brewer is this cute brown-eyed thing who brings it in every morning as I shake off my sleepiness. It’s my favorite thing. He also cooks me breakfast.
7. Before Mr. Right came, I used to hang pictures with thumb tacks and duct tape. Now we use wall anchors and a drill. We were lying in bed one night, and I bragged to him that I had hung the very large, very heavy piece of artwork that was hanging over our headboard. And then I saw a look of panic rush over his face as he very quietly asked me… “What did you hang that with?” Don’t worry… I used a LOT of tacks. You can never be too safe! (Just kidding, I used wall anchors. But I’m not good at measuring so there may or may not be about a dozen mistake-holes behind that gorgeous piece of artwork, which we can NEVER TAKE DOWN.)
8. He asked me why I don’t have any towel hooks in my bathroom. I told him it’s because I don’t know how to install them. The same reason every Christmas decoration I own was in my garage – because I can’t lift the boxes into my attic. I have spent my whole life trying to figure out how to create a life that doesn’t require much help, and all of a sudden I have a helper living with me. I still can’t believe it. I am so, so thankful.
So married life is a bit weird (there is a 5-pound bag of protein in my pantry and men’s razors on my shopping list), but it’s also the most fun thing I’ve ever experienced. I think I could get used to this.
PS–Photo above is courtesy of McGowan Images. Check ’em out! (Our entire wedding gallery is posted there.)

2010 Year in Review

This is my fourth year to do a year-in-review. It’s fun to look back on how my life has changed over these past few years, and I think 2010 may have been one filled with the most changes, and the MOSTS fun. For past years, feel free to check out 2007, 2008, and 2009.

Where did you begin 2010?
I went to a church party, but left a little before midnight, so I rang in the new year on the telephone with my sister. New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day were both filled with dozens of media calls, and on January 2 I had a story on the front page of the paper (the best New Year’s gift a PR gal can have).
New Year’s Eve
What random cool things happened in 2010?
I went on a first date with a certain Mr. Right who ended up being the man of my dreams… six months later he asked me to marry him, and VERY soon we’ll officially be husband and wife! Other than that rather cool thing, I also went on a mission trip to Colombia, a beach trip to Florida, cooked a ton, hosted 30 people at my house for Easter, attended my first World Series game, watched my sister marry her best friend, bought a car, had my picture made with the governor, I got a new office with a window, and went on some amazing dates. Oh, and my house got hit by a tornado.
Books read in 2010?
Beth Moore’s So Long Insecurity
Son of Hamas (one of my favorites of the year)
Laura Bush’s autobiography: Spoken from the Heart (this is what I’m reading now, only half-way finished)
Orange is the New Black (such a fun book!)
Forgiveness: Breaking the Power of the Past (maybe the best study I’ve ever taught… life changing)
The Magician’s Nephew (a Narnia book)
The Horse and his Boy (a Narnia book)
Do anything embarrassing?
Right before Mr. Right asked me out, but when I knew he was kind of digging me, I had a very flirty conversation with him after church one night. I was feeling really good about myself… probably too good. As I was walking away, still looking at him as I said goodbye, I walked STRAIGHT into the visitor welcome desk. HARD.

What scripture did you study? (this is for me… fun to keep a record)
I did pretty deep studies of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, John, and all of Paul’s letters in the New Testament. I did an amazing study during Christmas on the Advent with Mr. Right (we’re going to make this a new family tradition) and taught Sunday School classes on forgiveness, prayer, and fasting. I had never studied much on fasting, let alone practiced it, and this year I loved learning about this often missed spiritual discipline. Even better, we had some much older and wiser people come speak and give us tips – it was so interesting to learn from them.

Did you know anybody who got married?
2010 was the year of the wedding. My other sister got married (Sarah & Philip), Sara & Dave, Amanda & Kevin, Amanda & James, my boss’ daughter, and two of Mr. Right’s closest friends. I was a bridesmaid twice and ALMOST a bride (I’ll make the 2011 list).
(With my sister @ her wedding)

Did you move anywhere?
Celebrating four years in my house this January. And getting a new roommate!

What sporting events did you attend?
I went to the last game of the Rangers World Series (we lost), and also to a Division Series playoff game against the Yankees. I went to Opening Day of the Rangers and saw a handful of their games through the summer. I also attended my favorite marathon, where I single-handedly handed out about 8,000 finisher shirts. Woah nelly, that was a crazy exhausting but very fun day.

(at the World Series)

Describe your birthday:

Mr. Right threw me a lovely birthday party at our favorite coffee shop (site of our first “sort of” date) and our two families and some friends came by for cake made by our wedding cake designer (my favorite). Since it was my 30th we did a lot of celebrating – I also went to dinner with some girlfriends, and my family and his family both had family dinners.

(at my 30th birthday)

What’s something you learned about yourself?
I learned that God really did have plans for me that were better than my own. I learned a lot about what it takes to love someone else in the way they want to be loved, and I got lot’s of great advice from married couples young and old about how to make a good marriage. Hopefully I can put those things into practice!
I also traveled to my first third-world country and learned so much about myself, my desire to serve the Lord, and my willingness to follow Him wherever He leads me. I learned a lot about people – we’re all the same, whether we live in the interior of Colombia or in the suburbs of DFW. It’s one of my favorite parts of traveling – realizing just how similar we all really are.

(in one of the barrios in Cartagena, Colombia)

Were you in school this year?

NO! For the first time since 2006… no school for me!

(NEW!) Where did you travel this year?
I got to add South America to my ever-growing list of places I’ve conquered. We took a week-long mission trip to Colombia, where I discovered that I love the people there and LOVE the food.

I also went to Destin, Florida with my family for a week, I went to “The Lake” with Mr. Right (aka – his family reunion), drove to Oklahoma for a wedding shower, took two trips to Midland, and squeezed in a quick road trip to Abilene.

Destin, Florida

Any new additions to your family?
I got another new brother-in-law (Philip), plus an enormous family through Mr. Right. I am so blessed to be marrying into a solid, laid-back Christian family who has been absolutely welcoming. All my life I hoped I’d marry into a big family, and last year when I attended their family reunion with 100+ people (complete with an old-fashioned baptist hymn sing-along), I knew my prayers had been answered!

Favorite night out?
There were several. Our first date at my favorite Italian restaurant (Taverna) and then a walk through downtown and our favorite bookstore. Or the night we had a private tour of the Amon Carter Museum and then a walk through the museum grounds and a nightcap on the patio at Starbucks. Or maybe it was the night he took me to Babe’s for old-fashioned comfort food after a particularly stressful day, and then we walked out onto the dock overlooking the lake, dipped our feet in the water and watched the stars… for hours. Or maybe it was a simple evening of hanging out next to the glow of our Christmas tree listening to the crackle of a warm fire. There were MANY favorite nights this year.

What do you want to change in 2011?

I think I’m going to get married. Maybe gain a new roommate–seems like a good idea. I also look forward to finding a new way to serve in our new ministry. There’s lot’s of new folks I don’t know very well, and that has to be remedied quickly. It’s time to start hosting dinner parties again.

Where did you spend most of your time?
I spent a lot of time home in my kitchen, cooking dozens and dozens of dinners with Mr. Right. It’s kind of “our thing” and probably why he and I have had to hit the gym a bit harder lately. Worth it though.

Do you have a new year’s resolution?
Get married.
Memorize 2 verses per month.
Read through the Bible chronologically.

What was your favorite purchase?
I didn’t purchase any of these things, but my new favorite things are (1) my engagement ring, (2) my new chaise lounge, (3) my Nook.

Did you get sick this year?
I was very healthy this year – what a blessing.

Start a new hobby?
No, but I picked my quilting and knitting back up. It seems to go in spurts, but I think this year I’ll have more time than ever before to work on projects, since Mr. Right is in grad school and will have lot’s of homework to keep him occupied. I also sorely neglected my writing (and this blog), but hope to remedy that in 2011.
My latest quilt, made from scraps of material samples from Ethan Allen

What are you hoping and planning for in 2011?

I plan to learn how to be a good wife to Mr. Right. I plan to learn how to serve in a new ministry–this includes figuring out how to be a good minister’s wife (not the cookie-cutter stereotypical minister’s wife, but one who can help my man love on our people and reach out to folks who desperately need to know Christ’s love), but it also involves me finding my own “place” in a new ministry and different areas of the church than I’ve been for the past seven years. I plan to read through the Bible in a year, this time chronologically (I have been going in book order before). And I plan to log a lot of time on my knees asking God where he wants us… whether it’s here or in some far off land. Either way, I pray that we can both be faithful to the Lord and his calling for us in 2011, whatever that looks like.

Terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

I like to think of myself as an upbeat people person who has a fabulous sense of humor and rarely gets cranky.

…most of the time.
But then there are times like last week, when every person I encountered over a 24-hour-period had lost their mind. Crazy. Dumb. They had all gone nuts, and I was the poor, helpless victim. None of the disasters were my fault, of course. I was simply the lone victim in a crowd of craziness, holding on for dear life.
Okay, maybe I exaggerate a little.
There’s a small chance that I was a bit cranky myself. And hormonal. And tired. And maybe, just maybe, all those crazy people weren’t 100 percent in the wrong. Maybe I made a few mistakes that day too. Maybe I was a little too quick to judge and a little too stingy with my mercy.
Maybe, just maybe, I lost my sense of humor and decided to react by wallowing in some self pity.
It’s exactly for those terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days that God wrote this to me:
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues, put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
-Colossians 3:12-14
On that bad day, I chose to clothe myself in cute heels and a headband instead of in compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Did I have extra grace and mercy in my heart for the folks who caused me grief? Not really. Was my love obvious to those around me? Probably not.
Luckily that’s not the end of the story. After a good bit of repenting on my part, I choose a new attitude:
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
-Colossians 2:6
I’m a work in progress, and I will keep on trying to live a life worthy of the Lord and to please him in every way, praying that he strengthens me with great endurance and patience (Colossians 1:10-13).
He is good.

Big, BIG News

Well, my friends, it’s official. I never in a million years thought this day would come, and yet it did, and it was 100 more times more fantastic than I ever expected it to be.

I. Got. Engaged.
Yep. I sealed the deal. Snagged Mr. Right. Found myself a keeper. And let me just tell you… he was worth the wait. God answered my prayers in a very specific and obvious way. Later I will share with you some of the crazy ways God has revealed himself during our relationship. But for now, let me just tell you that I am blessed. I have found a man who treats me better than I deserve to be treated. Who loves me in a sacrificial way. Who’s an absolute blast to be around. And who fascinates me like nobody else ever has.
Thank you, Jesus.

Watermelon on a warm summer night

For me, summer tastes like watermelon. And Sonic strawberry milkshakes. It smells like softball dirt. And suntan lotion. It feels like bare feet on cool grass, and it looks like fireworks.

Which means that summer is here, and I am already reveling in its goodness. Tonight after a pedicure (one of my very favorite things) I ran to the grocery store to pick up coffee and milk… because goodness knows what would have happened if I had sleepily stumbled over to my coffee maker at 6:30 tomorrow morning only to find that I didn’t have enough Cinnamon Spice Dunkin Donuts coffee to make a pot. Let’s just say it would have been horrible. So I ran to the store, and there it was: a display of ripe watermelons, right there at the door, just begging to go home with me. And they were ON SALE.
There really was no other option but to stick one in my shopping basket. I was so excited by my summer discovery that I completely forgot to pick up the milk, but never fear, I came home with TWO packages of coffee. Disaster averted.
I went home and cut myself a huge slice of watermelon, turned on some classical music, curled up on my couch and finished my latest book, The Help, by Kathryn Stockett. It’s one of the biggest fads in the literary world at the moment, and I must say that I loved every minute of it. For all my reading friends, it’s a must-have on your summer reading list.
And it’s even better if you pair it with a watermelon and classical music. Trust me on this.

Finally… the resolutions

I’ve been putting this off much too long. Part of the reason is because I wanted to make a creative post with beautiful photos to illustrate each resolution. But you see, I was too busy hosting a Bachelor-watching party, getting a pedicure with my sister, swimming through Wuthering Heights (still), and grabbing an unexpected dinner out. And all of those trump the beautiful photos.

So… as I like to say… good enough.
-I will make my bed every single day.
-I will memorize one new scripture per week, with the assistance of my handy-dandy fashionable note card flip-thingy that my Sunday School class gave me for my birthday. It’s really the best way to guard your mind and your tongue, as well as being able to provide Godly encouragement on the fly to others. Memorizing scripture makes me really, really happy.
This week’s scripture happens to be my life verse from 2008: “Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to the house of Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.” (Joshua 21:45). LOVE IT.
-I’d like to run a half marathon this fall, in honor of my (gulp) 30th birthday. Maybe one in the spring, but we’ll see.
-I will read a ton and cook a ton.
-Save for a “new” (aka–used) car.
And just for kicks… here was a list of short-term life goals I set for myself four years ago. Let’s see how I’ve done since then:
-Run 10 miles (check – ran a half marathon)
-See an opera (haven’t done this yet)
-Go on a cruise (check – twice)
-Travel to Italy (check – twice)
-Go to California (check – twice)
-Learn to play piano again (no check)
-Read 15 books in 2006 (don’t remember)
-Become more organized (depends on your definition of “organized”… small check)
-See more Broadway Plays (check… Wicked, Mary Poppins, Mama Mia)
Here’s some new short-term life goals I’m adding to my list:
-Travel to Africa
-Travel to Israel
-Write a book
-Learn how to quilt… for real.
And then the rest will just be cake.

Wisdom from Dolly

I’m still mulling over my new year’s resolutions. Yes, I realize it’s now January 2, but I figure I have at least a week before I have to commit. But I’ll tell you that of the two I’ve already identified, I’m already 100% on one, and start the second tomorrow. How’s that for a new year?
Yes, I realize you’re rolling your eyes because I have been 100% on something for two whole days… but small victories, people. Small victories.
But first… I’m enjoying a pleasant evening at home in front of the fire, drinking hot cocoa and watching a girlie movie and a Law & Order rerun. So until we meet again, I will just leave you with some wonderful wisdom from the world-famous Dolly Parton:
Find out who you are, and do it on purpose.
Good old Dolly. We’re kindred spirits, you know… ask anybody who was at my Halloween party in 2008. I’ve never worn so many tube socks in my life.

2009 In Review

This is a little tradition I started back in 2007 (you can read 2007 here and 2008 here). It’s fun to look back over the year as I start to make my resolutions for 2010.

Where did you begin 2009?
I hosted a New Year’s karaoke party at my place. The best part was having the karaoke machine all to myself for an extra day. I may or may not have sung every song on the CD… twice. I swear I sound JUST LIKE Alicia Keyes when nobody is around. Promise.
What random cool things happened in 2009?
I walked barefoot on the beach in San Diego. I rode a horse in a blizzard in Colorado. I saw South Beach in Miami during spring break (THAT was scary!). I floated the river in New Braunfels. I hiked a medieval wall overlooking the sea in Croatia. I roamed the streets of Florence alone, eating my weight in croissants and gelato. I auditioned for a reality television show. I flew first class for the first time. My sister got married. One of my articles got published in a real-live journal. The singles ministry at my church exploded (in a good way). I finally finished that masters degree.
Favorite books from 2009?
Don’t laugh – but 20o9 was the year of the Twilight novel (actually, all four). I also read A Voice in the Wind, Black Like Me (awesome!), The Razor’s Edge, Light on Snow, and at the moment I’m trodding through Wuthering Heights. I think that’s nine books in 12 months… not fantastic, but remember, I was also in school.

Do anything embarrassing?
Of course! I mooned a store full of people at Banana Republic. I had a meltdown at the Apple Store. I cooked a cucumber, mistaking it for a zucchini. I thought I poisoned a dinner guest with salmonella (turns out she was fine…). And many, many other silly, klutzy, wonderfully embarrassing things. But at least I didn’t set my hair on fire in 2009. Things are looking up, people.

New Question: What scripture did you study? (this is for me… fun to keep a record)
I taught Esther & the Psalms of Ascent in 2009, so I lived and breathed that scripture throughout the year. During my own personal study time (when I wasn’t preparing for my lesson) I went through a good part of the Old Testament (Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, Hosea, plus a good deal of time spent in the other Psalms that I wasn’t teaching). And as always, when I’m having a bad day/week, I go back to my favorites – 1 & 2 Corinthians and Romans… they’re like my comfort food.
Did you know anybody who got married?
My sister! Plus, I went to weddings for Tera & Lee, Katie & Justin, Rebecca & Tyler.
Did you move anywhere?
Thank you Jesus… no.
What sporting events did you attend?
Rangers games, a Cowboys game, a Baylor football game, a TCU football game, a Mavs game or two, and a marathon race. I’m in love with the new Cowboys Stadium, by the way. Never thought I’d say that.
Describe your birthday:
I had my first ever surprise party! It was so fun and I was definitely surprised! You can read about it here.
What’s something you learned about yourself?
I learned that if someone is in the hospital, you should visit them. Or bring them a meal. Anything to be sure they realize that they’re remembered.
I learned that if you’re praying for someone, you should tell them… because they probably need to hear it. The girls in my Sunday School class–so many of them–provided such good encouragement at different times throughout the year with little cards and emails and phone calls. They’re a wonderful reminder that we’re here to reflect God’s glory (and love) to other people.
Speaking of which… in 2009 I heard God speak more loudly and more clearly than probably any other time in my life. It was wonderful and humbling and encouraging and convicting. Praying for more of that blessing in 2010.
I learned the hard way the importance of taking time to rest, before life forces you to do it anyway.
Were you in school this year?
Yep… I took five classes in 2009. But you already knew that. I also spoke at a couple of junior high schools and to some college classes at TCU and UTA.
Any new additions to your family?
I gained a new brother-in-law whom I just adore. And he and my sister adopted a new puppy… a Goldendoodle named Rusty. He’s a maniac, but he’s a cute maniac.
Made new friends?
That’s the beautiful thing about life… it’s always bringing new folks into your path. I made some really fun new friends this year… both guys and girls. I’d list their names but don’t want to leave anybody out.
Favorite night out?
When I was in Santorini, Greece, I sat on a patio for about four hours, enjoyed a leisurely dinner and watched the sun set behind a nearby volcano. When the sun finally disappeared, everybody cheered. How often have you seen folks cheer for a sunset? Only in Greece…
What do you want to change in 2010?
I want to cook more and read more. Be waiting for a dinner party invitation from me very soon.
Other than home, where did you spend most of your time?
If you don’t count TCU and church, I spent a good amount of time hanging out at the lake, laying out by the pool, or finding just about any excuse I could make to spend time outdoors.
Do you have a new year’s resolution?
Besides cooking and reading? You’ll have to stay tuned…
What was your favorite purchase?
Plane tickets. My iPhone. And maybe the Words with Friends App (shout out).
Did you get sick this year?
After five years of never taking a sick day at work, I took my fair share in 2009. I got the “regular” flu in February (2 weeks of fever and 25 blogs) and then got the “swine” flu in September (cake compared to the regular flu). I also made my first trip to the ER for my crazy annoying asthma. But it was probably a good thing, because now I can say “I’m not just the spokesperson… I’m also a client.”
Start a new hobby?
I took salsa lessons for three months. Trust me, these hips don’t lie. Although they stutter occasionally.
What are you wishing for in 2010?
In 2010 I am looking forward to living a life of spontaneity. Less planning and more flying by the seat of my pants. I hope to squeeze in a trip or two, spend a ton of time with friends and family, and officially start (and maybe finish) the book that I’ve been mulling over in my head. And whatever plans I have will take backseat to what God has planned for me, because let’s face it, my friend, those are the only plans that really matter.