Favorite Song

Just a quick note as I scarf down a quick bowl of cereal for dinner (mom would be so disappointed in me)…

I am absolutely obsessed with the Taylor Swift song “Love Song.” I could listen to it twenty times a day and never get tired of it. I especially love the pop version they play on the radio, but I also have the regular country version at the top of my newest iPod playlist, and I listen to it over and over, just like a teenage girl. There’s something about the melody that just makes me giddy. 
Okay, enough of the rambling. I’m sure all the boys reading this are now rolling their eyes. I promise to write a post on the positive qualities of Metallica sometime soon, so you’ll feel included. Or maybe analyze all the insufficiencies of the Cowboys.
But now I’m off to Wal-Mart to buy last-minute supplies for my New Year’s party tomorrow. I hate Wal-Mart, so this shows you just how committed I am to having a rockin’ New Year’s party, complete with a dance floor and a disco ball. Apparently the only place you can buy colored indoor flood lights is at Wal-Mart, and I need them to reflect off my disco ball, so off I go. I hate that place. HATE. There will probably be one check-out line open for about 1,000 shoppers. Maybe I’ll bring a book. (shiver)
Or maybe I’ll just sing Taylor Swift over and over as I stand in line next to scary men who stare at me and babies who scream and teenagers who wear shirts covered in profanity… yes, that will make it all better.

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