Lost & Found

I cleaned out my closet last night. One of those deep cleanings that involve a ladder, several trash bags, a flashlight, and heavy-duty rock music.

My closet now looks wonderful, and in the process I found some pretty cool stuff.

As I was throwing away just about anything I could get my hands on, I went on a treasure hunt to see what fun things I could find buried at the bottom of my old purses. I found around 20 Euros (that will come in handy next summer, if I can find that special place where I’m sure to find them again), a business card holder with my name engraved on it (haven’t seen that in years… yea!), a bunch of gum, a lot of medicine (I must always have allergies, because there was Claritin swimming in the bottom of every one of my purses!), a hand-crank flash light that will never run out of batteries… all treasures that I had forgotten about! I found a bunch of old receipts that brought back memories from special dinners, outfits for big occasions, baseball ticket stubs, and so much change that my piggy bank is now full! It’s amazing what sort of things a girl can carry around in her purse, day after day, and never think about.

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