Watermelon on a warm summer night

For me, summer tastes like watermelon. And Sonic strawberry milkshakes. It smells like softball dirt. And suntan lotion. It feels like bare feet on cool grass, and it looks like fireworks.

Which means that summer is here, and I am already reveling in its goodness. Tonight after a pedicure (one of my very favorite things) I ran to the grocery store to pick up coffee and milk… because goodness knows what would have happened if I had sleepily stumbled over to my coffee maker at 6:30 tomorrow morning only to find that I didn’t have enough Cinnamon Spice Dunkin Donuts coffee to make a pot. Let’s just say it would have been horrible. So I ran to the store, and there it was: a display of ripe watermelons, right there at the door, just begging to go home with me. And they were ON SALE.
There really was no other option but to stick one in my shopping basket. I was so excited by my summer discovery that I completely forgot to pick up the milk, but never fear, I came home with TWO packages of coffee. Disaster averted.
I went home and cut myself a huge slice of watermelon, turned on some classical music, curled up on my couch and finished my latest book, The Help, by Kathryn Stockett. It’s one of the biggest fads in the literary world at the moment, and I must say that I loved every minute of it. For all my reading friends, it’s a must-have on your summer reading list.
And it’s even better if you pair it with a watermelon and classical music. Trust me on this.

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