
I tackled the 7-mile run again today, and this time, I conquered! No asthma attacks, no getting lost, and no wanting to die. It actually felt good! I rewarded myself with a breakfast burrito and a latte from my favorite coffee shop, then splurged on a pedicure. These little toes of mine have taken a beating, but now they’re newly polished once again!

I want to welcome two of my friends to the blogosphere. Check out Mike’s blog and Joel’s blog. For kicks, go on Joel’s blog and vote on the origin of global warming… it’ll drive him crazy if you vote for “man-made.” I’m thinking about voting 100 times just to see what kind of reaction I can get out of my Republican friend.

Tonight is the annual Bingo Gala! I’m most excited because I get to wear my beautiful new dress… I just love playing dress-up!

Please cross your fingers that I win the grand prize, $1,000 cash! I was the big winner back in 2004, and it would be a lot of fun to repeat. Just think of how many pedicures I could buy with $1,000! Anyway, I go to this fundraiser every year. Here’s a photo of my sisters and me at last year’s event…

Most movie stars prepare for formal events by starving themselves for weeks, getting a spray tan, and wrapping their bodies in saran wrap to rid themselves of cellulite. To prepare for my big night out, I ate two hotdogs and took a nap. I’m hoping the results are the same.

Bethe Day

One of the best things about being an adult and having a “real job” (besides not having a curfew) is having paid days off. And my job, along with a bunch of other wonderful perks, gives me a LOT of time off. Like four weeks. And next year… five!

So tomorrow I’m taking a “Bethe Day” to celebrate life and all of the wonderful things I love to do. And the best part is… I’m going to get paid to do it! Hooray!

Here’s my plan:

–Sleep in.
–Go to the gym and sweat my rear end off while rocking out to my special new workout soundtrack on my Ipod.
–Get a pedicure.
–Visit an art museum with my dad to see an exhibit we’ve been really excited about (have I mentioned I have the the best dad EVER?).
–Take a nap.
–Play a softball game.

And somewhere in there, I’m going to try to fit in a strawberry milkshake. Just because it’s something I love.


I’m a sucker for things with sayings on them. I love pictures with fun quotes. Books of quotes. Googling quotes. Memorizing quotes.

I have an ongoing love affair with the written word.

So of course, when I was out yesterday shopping for a gift, I couldn’t resist buying a few of those magnets with the sayings on them. These were cute (which is so important–nothing ugly is allowed to set foot near my refridgerator!). And colorful. I bought two.

The first says:
Dare to be remarkable.

And the second:
Do one thing every day that scares you. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

I love these! I want to live a remarkable life, and I can’t achieve that by sitting back and doing things that are comfortable. Some of the things that scare me the most have brought me the most happiness. I was terrified to take the hospital job, which I now love so much. I was (and still am) terrified of speaking in front of groups, which is one of the reasons why I try to take every opportunity to speak in public. I’m terrified of heights, which is why I have gone rock climbing and done the high ropes courses. I’m scared of flying, which is why I travel as much as possible (plus I love exploring new places). School scares me a little, because I’m always afraid I might not be able to cut it. Which is why I continue on.

So I dare YOU to be remarkable. Come join me. It’s a fun process!

Deep thoughts from a kindergartener

A kindergarten teacher at my mom’s school asked her kids to write a sentence that begins with “When I get big, I will…” and these were two of the responses (spelled exactly like they wrote it):

“When I get big I will go uround the wrld and tel pepl ubout Jezus.” (Haley)

“When I get big I will do what evr I want to do.” (Claire)

Don’t you just love kids?!

Ketchup (I mean Catchup)

Life has been flying by at warp speed, and I have barely had enough time to sleep, much less write. Now it’s a holiday weekend and I am looking forward to three days of peace, with no major plans, no commitments, and no worries. I can’t wait!

Today I’m buying my new patio set for my newly built patio, and it kind of feels like Christmas! Shopping for furniture is one of my great joys in life, and this new patio set has been so thoroughly researched that I don’t think there’s a single set in the DFW area that I haven’t sat in. Today I have it narrowed down to a larger set from Wal-Mart or a small one from Home Depot. I just need to measure one more time, and then I’ll make the buy.

I have made another major change in my life this month. I began a relationship with a new man, and I think this relationship could be long-lasting. He makes me happier than I ever dreamed he could–I have wondered for some time what it would be like to have this person in my life, but had some hesitations. Then finally one day I decided to go for it, and I have never regretted it.

He’s my yardboy. Yes, I will not have to mow my lawn ever again! I didn’t think I wanted to part with that $30 a week, but I must say that it’s the best $30 I spend. It’s well worth packing my lunch a few extra days. I’m extremely allergic to grass, and each time I mow, my eyes swell up, my skin gets irritated, and I can’t breathe for a week. And then it’s time to mow again! But now, thanks to Aaron the yardboy, I can spend my Saturday mornings doing other things. Thank you, my friend! You have changed my life!

My other news includes:
1. Sister Sarah and I finally booked our trip to New York for this summer! After watching the airline prices skyrocket over the past few weeks, they finally dropped and we got a great deal. We also got tickets to a Broadway show. I can’t wait!

2. My roses have finally started blooming again! I didn’t kill them!

3. I bought an industrial-strength waffle-maker. The kind that makes those enormous waffles, the kind they had in my dorm at Baylor. I think I may love it even more than the yardboy. I don’t know–maybe it’s a tie. We’ve been eating a lot of waffles at my house these past few weeks.

4. I’m going camping next weekend. I’m a little worried that it may be a million degrees, but I guess we can always just sit in the lake if we get hot. I love to camp, as long as it’s for short periods of time (this time, two nights) and as long as I’m close enough to civilization to be able to run to get a Sonic drink if I get a craving. I think our trip will meet all my specifications. Which reminds me–I need to go find a swimsuit in case we do go lake sitting.

I’m off to enjoy my Memorial Day weekend! I hope you enjoy yours!

Random thoughts

1. I think my dog and I are allergic to the same things. He has been sick for a few days now, and tonight my throat started to hurt. Both of us are doped up on Benedryl… only I swallow mine and he takes his in peanut butter. I think we’ll both sleep well from the drugs.

2. Tonight I stuffed 270 surveys and labeled 270 envelopes for my research project. It’s the best kind of homework… the kind you can do while watching Dancing With The Stars. But it’s not exactly glamorous. They definitely don’t mention that part on the school’s recruiting Web site.

3. Dancing With The Stars is like a bad cruise show performance. I feel like a 70-year old lady in a muumuu every time I watch it. And yet, I still watch.

4. Only six days until the Rangers’ Opening Day (the season opener, not the home opener). They really should consider making Opening Day a federal holiday. I always take the day off work anyway, they might as well let the kids out of school and close the post office. I’m sure the mail man would like to watch the games. It may be the only day this season my Rangers are in first place.

The Benedryl is starting to kick in, so I should sign off before I start hallucinating.