Steward of your wounds

I have been thinking a lot lately about how blessed I am. I had a rough six months, and every time I start to feel good and sorry for myself, God sends in someone to encourage me. Even last night, someone gave me a nugget of information that made my whole evening. It reminds me that I need to look for opportunities to encourage others as well.

Do you ever feel like sometimes you’re just going through the motions, and other times you’re the best possible version of yourself? I feel like I’m finally hitting my stride again, doing what God has called me to do, and enjoying living in my own skin. Janine Turner told me this week (ha ha… doesn’t that sound funny? You remember her… the gal from Northern Exposure? She spoke at a luncheon I went to this week…) that we should be “stewards of our wounds.” Kind of a weird quote, but the more I thought about it, the more I liked it. When life deals you junk, do you dwell on it, or do you use that as a means to make yourself better? It’s kind of like the verse that says suffering produces perseverance, which produces character, which produces hope. I don’t want to be defined by my crummy moments, I want to become all the more fabulous because my character has been refined, challenged, and strengthened. That, and I want to wear fabulous shoes.

Okay, enough of the mushy talk, it’s time to review my Sunday School lesson for tomorrow (one last time) and then grab some much-needed sleep. I hosted a party at my house tonight, which was so much fun, but now I’m a bit worn out!

One Comment

  1. “stewards of our wounds” – love it! awesome perspective…now if I could be the steward of some baseball tickets sometime soon….


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