Good bloggers post lot’s of pictures. I want to be a good blogger, so here goes:
Here’s the famous quilt I’ve been laboring over. I’m making a VERY basic one because I’m on the remedial quilting plan. But hey, it’s better than not trying at all!
And this week, I was a “big winner” at a Chamber luncheon. I go to hundreds of these a year (okay, maybe dozens, but definitely feels like hundreds, if not thousands, or maybe millions!) so occasionally I win things in raffles. In my 5-year career, I have won a TV, a DVD player, a deck chair (still in a box in my garage), a CD of swing music, a couple of gift certificates… and now this!
(Not the dog… the Barbara K Roadside Safety Kit). I think this may come in handy during my long runs at the park…
I’m not sure who this Barbara K chick is, but I think we’re kindred spirits. The box says, “This kit includes a unique set of high-quality roadside accessories, packaged specifically for you in a bag so stylish it’s a shame to hide it in your trunk!” I know that if I happen to be stranded on the side of the road, I would be just devastated if someone came to rescue me and I was carrying an ugly roadside safety kit! (gasp)
The quilt is looking good! Congrats on your first.
Thanks Melanie! I owe it all to your good coaching!