Yoyo’s and chocolate explosions

Here’s what I’ve been up to lately…
I’ve turned these:

…into these for an event. I’ll admit I was quite pleased with my very novice flower-arranging skills. I figured when in doubt, stuff in more flowers! It’s like the other age old rule… more cow bell.

I’ll also let you in on a little hint. I accidentally dropped that gorgeous turquoise vase on my tile kitchen floor, which caused a nice long crack on one side. It was only a few hours before the event and I couldn’t bear to use a regular glass vase as a back-up, so I did the poor girl’s solution… I found a glass vase in my cabinet that fit inside the turquoise vase, filled that one with water, and then made the flowers full enough so that you couldn’t see the smaller vase on the inside. It worked perfectly, and nothing leaked. (In case you’re wondering, the vases came from the garden section of Hobby Lobby and the flowers came from Market Street.)
In addition to novice flower arranging, I’ll admit that I’ve eaten one or two of these lately:
I know… don’t judge me. This one is called chocolate explosion. Isn’t that the greatest name ever for a chocolate bit of heaven? Don’t worry, I spent an hour at the gym last night sweating off this little piece of perfection so that I don’t have an explosion when my pants rip from being too tight. This is one of the perks (or detriments, depending on your outlook) of being an event planner… sometimes you have to do tastings… for cake. Trust me when I tell you that this cake is AMAZING.
In my spare time, I’ve started a new yoyo quilt. I haven’t quite finished my last quilt, but after so many months of hand-quilting the same project, I got burned out. Don’t worry, I’ll pick it back up, everything is still handy in a basket next to my birthday chaise lounge (a gift last year from Mr. Right). But in the meantime, I’ve been hankering to learn how to make a yoyo quilt, and after watching a few YouTube videos (you can learn anything on YouTube) and buying a yoyo maker (which I highly recommend, otherwise I don’t know how it would be possible to make them all the same size), I’ve started on my first quilt. Here’s what I got after the first night:
It’s not much – only two colors out of the 10 or so I bought, and that’s not the pattern I’m going to use, but it gives you an idea of just how cute they are. Let me tell you, those little yoyo’s are so soft and cuddly and make me want to smile as I work on them. It’s my new favorite thing (I think I even like them better than the chocolate explosion). And even better, the options for quilt patterns is limitless, because there’s no cutting/stitching/measuring/sewing like a regular quilt… all I have to do is stitch these little circles together in whatever design I want to make. Since I prefer my quilts to have an Anthropologie feel to them, mine probably will just be patternless… all mixed up and funky.
This is my color inspiration – mostly grays with little pops of soft yellows and a few whites and blacks to give it more depth.

And in case you don’t know much about yoyo quilts (don’t feel bad, I didn’t either before I started) here are some of my favorite yoyo inspirations:

This teeny-tiny yoyo quilt (this is about the size of my yoyo’s… they’re so delicate looking):

Or this one, which includes an oh-so-wonderful tutorial:
To my very favorite blog friends… what’s your latest project or inspiration? You know I love new ideas!

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