My lifelong pursuit of curly hair

I am blessed with fine, stick-straight hair. Thirty seconds with a hair straightener and my hair will be straight for days, no matter the humidity.
But curls? They last for about… three minutes. Four if I’m in the glorious mountains of Colorado with their 0% humidity.
Nevertheless, I continue to try, pursuing every DIY curl option… it’s a lot like people who are always wrapping their arms around the latest fad diet. I own every kind of curling iron known to man (3 sizes). I’ve tried curling with a straightener (2 sizes). I tried sleeping in pin curls. I’ve bought $18 hairspray. And a hair diffuser. I’ve found minimal success with the triple barrel hair curling iron, which takes 45 minutes and leaves me with singe marks on my neck and a head that may or may not remind you of Taylor Swift on a very humid deserted island.
Then I discovered this hair tutorial on Pinterest, which uses a technique where you wrap your hair around an elastic headband and sleep on it all night. I tried it last night, and I like it! Poor Mr. Right had to put up with me looking like a milk maid with my hair wrapped around the headband, but it’s better than going to bed with gunky cold cream on my face (something he expressed worry about before we got married).
Here’s the results:
It only took five minutes, and it didn’t hurt my head while I slept. I didn’t spray my hair first, which I think will make it hold longer, but the curls stuck around for most of the day, and it took until after lunch for my hair to become a wavy frizzy mess. I think that has more to do with the fact that it’s 105 degrees in Fort Worth today and uber humid. I’m determined to try it again tomorrow.
Do you ever wonder, after trying something new with your “look,” if other people around you are secretly judging how awful you look? Maybe it’s just me. It happened when I cut my bangs… I felt like people could tell that the bangs weren’t the real me… that I was a hair imposter, pretending I could pull off the look. Then, just as I start to completely overthink my fashion choices (Mr. Right calls it “bean plating”), I decide that I can choose to pull off funky/whacky/imposter-hair and people will just assume I’m an artist. I totally give off that funky artist vibe, right? (I see you rolling those eyes!)
And now you know the inner workings of this crazy curly head of mine. Scary, I know.

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