Strangely Quiet

Goodness me, it’s been more than two months since I wrote last. Not to worry, the reason I haven’t written anything is because I’ve been so gloriously busy enjoying life that I haven’t had the time or desire to write much. I’ve noticed that whenever I date someone, my blog seems to go dark… probably because I have someone who will let me prattle off everything that’s going on in my head, and there’s no need to recount it twice. And thus you, my blog reading friends, must suffer.

But this special someone isn’t just anybody… and the silence won’t last forever. I must get back to writing, if for no other reason, so as not to let my writing muscles atrophy simply because I’m having fun.

Since I last wrote, I have sunned myself on beaches on two different continents. I’ve trekked out to West Texas AND East Texas, had more romantic dinners than I can count, spent time with some amazing friends, made some new ones, and lived a few adventures. The highlight of my summer was a week-long mission trip to Colombia – my first trip to South America, and my first big mission trip since high school. It was an amazing experience which I plan to recount on here as soon as I get a free moment.
And in between all the thrills of an absolutely lovely summer, I’ve seen first-hand God do some crazy-big things in my life, and in the lives of people closest to me. We sure do serve a pretty amazing God, don’t we?
More later…

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