
Laugh uncontrollably. It clears the mind.
(from a Dove chocolate I ate yesterday)

Tonight I went out with my friends from grad school. I’ve had these girls in my classes for the past two semesters, and they’ve become very special friends. I think it’s like guys who pledge a fraternity… once you suffer through something together (like a research paper) you develop a bond that becomes pretty strong. I know all about their jobs, their academic interests, their relationships, their personal lives, their career goals, and their stressors. We’ve been in the trenches together.

Okay, so TCU isn’t exactly the trenches. Maybe I’m exaggerating, as usual. But we’ve cheered each other on through projects, research papers, and presentations. And they make school a heck of a lot more fun!

So tonight, as we sat around the table at Glorias, eating our Mexican food and talking about our summer vacation, we laughed. And laughed. And laughed. I can’t wait for the next big night out!

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