Friday Favorites & a Give-away

If you moseyed on over here from my friend Helene’s blog, welcome! You can read more about me here and visit my shop, Texas Lovely, here.

Okay, now that we’re friends, on to today’s post:

These are a few of my favorite things…

For those of you who are new here, I teach English as a Second Language to refugees and immigrants from all over the world. Last night I taught my beginners about our elections, and the basic structure of government – things like term limits for the president and congress, names of local government leaders (governor, mayor), and about our two party system. The highlight of the class was having one of my favorite students, a large African woman about 70 years old, lean back in her chair and say, “Mmmm… I don’t like Obama. Romney is my man!” Now, regardless of your political leaning, a moment like that goes against just about every political stereotype, and it makes teaching English an absolute hoot.

I asked my students to tell me about the governments in their countries, how their leaders were chosen and whether or not they’ve ever voted. It was eye-opening to go around the room and hear students from Congo, Ivory Coast and Togo each say that it’s too dangerous to vote – that they would never do it because it’s not safe. It’s just another reminder that regardless of how you feel about the candidates running, we are blessed to be able to go to the polls without fear of physical harm.

To the woman who told me today, while I was wearing my big-girl suit no less, “There is NO WAY you could be 32! I could have sworn you were in your mid-20s,” all I have to say is, BLESS YOU. BLESS YOU. BLESS YOU. You’re my new best friend.

It totally makes up for the woman yesterday who asked me if I was pregnant, and when I told her I wasn’t, she said she didn’t believe me. That’s a new one. (And of course I was wearing a new shirt that I just LOVED, but which I love a little less now.)

This sucker is BIG! But I love the craziness of the pattern, combined with the neutral Christmas colors. It doesn’t just scream “Yea! Christmas!” but instead whispers it soothingly as you cuddle by the fire.

Oh wait, I’m now personifying my quilts. Maybe I’m spending too much time in my sewing studio, watching How I Met Your Mother on my laptop. (The first six seasons have seen me through three different quilts.) Anyway, this gal will probably end up in my shop — unless I decide to keep her for myself, which is a strong possibility — so stay tuned for an announcement about her listing. Feel free to call “dibs” on her now by leaving a comment. I haven’t measured her yet but it’s definitely big enough for two people to snuggle under it next to a fire.

My friend over at Helene In Between is giving away a Texas Lovely print on her blog! If you don’t already follow her, go check her out – she’s a Dallas girl (love supporting local bloggers) and her blog is gaining popularity at warp speed. Thanks Helene for so generously partnering with me! Now hurry up and go enter the give-away so I can send you something lovely!

—-I’m linking this post up with the Bargain Blonde’s Friday Favorites link party—


  1. I entered the giveaway and really love your scripture prints! That quilt is fabulous! I like the little peppermint pieces. And I love your blog…it’s very pretty!


  2. Wow. I am just floored about that woman insisting that you were pregnant. That’s…really rude. How did you manage?


    1. It was somebody who should have known better, so I just said, “Nope, I’m fat.” (I probably should have been sweeter, but I wasn’t.) That’s when she responded with “No way, I don’t believe you.” So I think she still thinks I’m pregnant. She’s in for a surprise…


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