Etsy Shop Update – Thanksgiving & Christmas lovelies!

I’m trying hard not to just pimp my shop on my blog. That wasn’t the purpose of this blog and never will be. But it’s also a big part of my life right now (and with launching Mr. Right’s real estate business, a huge help financially), so I want to be sure to remind you that it’s there.

I only have a few Thankful prints left. Once they’re sold out, I probably won’t print any more until next fall. So if you’ve had your eye on this for a little while, be sure to pick it up before it sells out!

I can’t believe it, but we’re going to blink and it will be Christmas. I’ve still got some hand-sewn Christmas cards available in the shop (only available through Nov. 15, then I’m discontinuing them), but I also have these new photo cards if you prefer something a little more economical. Just click on the picture to link to the shop listing.

With these photo cards, you can either purchase the art file, ready to send to your printer, for just $20, or for an additional cost (and if you don’t want to mess with finding a printer and envelopes), I will be happy to print them for you (prices range from $1.20-$1.50 each, including envelopes, depending on quantity ordered). If you have questions, just leave me a message in the comments section of this blog post.

 Also, I am offering a limited number of custom Christmas card designs. Price will be $50 for the design, plus the cost of printing if you want me to print them for you. If you’re interested, just leave me a message in the comments section of this blog post.

And finally, I’m working on a Christmas quilt or two that will end up in the shop. Follow me on Instragram (@texas_lovely) to see sneak preview pictures. The last few quilts I made were “sold” before I ever listed them in the shop because folks saw it on Instagram and staked their claim. I’m perfectly happy to pre-sell again, so let me know if you’re interested in having a warm Texas Lovely Christmas quilt in your home!

Love you all, my friends!

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