Another celebrity! I’m on a roll!

Tonight I hosted the Rangers Suite for work (have I mentioned how much I love my job?), and DeMarcus Ware (a Dallas Cowboy) sat one suite down from me! He threw out the first pitch, and then came back and sat about 15 feet away for the rest of the game.

Granted, I have no idea who the heck DeMarcus Ware actually is, but the other folks in my suite assured me he’s practically a legend. One guy told me, “He’s the next So-and-So.” Of course, I don’t remember who “So-and-So” is, and I don’t really care. In fact, I only marginally follow the Cowboys. But this DeMarcus guy seemed really nice, and he was friendly to the folks around him, so I’m now a fan. I didn’t stalk him for an autograph like some of the people sitting near me, but I did sneak a quick photo.

The good news… the Rangers won… again! That’s two wins for me in one week! I’m starting to get the fever again… the RANGERS FEVER! Ha ha.

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