A guest post by Mr. Right & a giveaway winner

Y’all, I have a treat for you today – Mr. Right has written his very first guest post! I’m trying to talk him into doing a regular guest spot, so be sure to leave him lot’s of love in the comment section. Now you can see why I love him so much.


Texas Lovely has been asking me for a while to guest write on her blog.

I have to admit that when we first got married, I didn’t quite understand women’s blogging. The blogs that I read (uncrate.com, acontiuouslean.com, blog.imogeneandwillie.com, to name a few) talk about stuff. How it’s made. How cool it is. How much cooler I would be if I would just buy it. Who needs discussion of feelings? Who needs discussions about fears and failures? I just didn’t get it.

Then I realized just how much my wife compares her life to other women. When things are really rocking along, she wants everyone to celebrate the wins in our life. When things are crawling along, she wants sympathy. The obligatory, “that stinks” answer and NOT just a “let me fix it” answer.

Is comparison always bad? Is it always fueling inadequacy? I definitely don’t think so. Over time, reading her blog I have come to understand that she can laugh about the minor defeats, cry about the big losses, but revel in the big wins. Her honesty is a chance for me to see her view. It’s a chance for me, as a reader and her husband, to say “that’s great!” Or “that stinks.”

It’s a chance to see into her life and say, I am normal. If life is great, I’m normal. If life is hard, I’m normal. A chance to see behind closed doors and church facades. A chance to not compare but to take joy in the phrase, when one part suffers we all suffer, when one part rejoices we all rejoice.

When Bethe and I got married I asked her a simple question, “What is one thing that you want to do before you die?” It took her a while but she finally replied, “Write a book.” I want to see her live that out, and this blog is a huge part of that.

Thanks for celebrating with our family. Thanks for laughing at us and crying with us. Thanks for helping me fuel my wife’s passions.

Thanks for doing life with us.


Well, friends, please excuse me while I sop up some tears. I married such an incredible man!
On a less sappy note… I’m happy to announce the winner of the $25 gift certificate to The Paisley Heart!


Sarah – I’ll send you the info on how to redeem your gift card. In the meantime, my reader friends, I have good news – we had such a good response that Brooke has offered to do a SECOND give-away next week! This time it will be on my Texas Lovely Facebook page (facebook.com/texaslovelyshop) – go follow it so you can get all the details. And, don’t forget to use your 10% discount code TexasLovely at thepaisleyheart.com. 


  1. Loved this! It is always fun to see inside the minds of our husbands every once in a while 🙂 great job Will, way to be a great husband and your wife’s biggest fan!


  2. Great job Will! I vote for a regular guest post 🙂 We just adore your sweet family and love recjoicing with you and praying for you. And we really love pics of that adorable baby of yall’s!


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