New job & a strange obsession with denim

I start my new job Monday morning. It’s kind of like the first day of school, except that back when I was in school I didn’t have to pack a giant breast pump, a mini ice chest and a million small plastic parts. But, I also packed a few pens and a notebook, which is a lot like the first day of school. And I set out my clothes – you know, of the jean variety, since I CAN WEAR JEANS TO WORK. Did I mention the casual dress code? No? I’m just a little bit excited. (I’M A LOT EXCITED.)

Wrenn and I had a long talk about how she was going to sleep through the night tonight so mama could be rested and fresh for her new job. I sure hope she plays along. (LORD PLEASE LET HER PLAY ALONG.)

You won’t waste a prayer on me tomorrow – that God will bless this new gig and have his hand all over it. And pray for my little family as we settle into our new, more permanent routine.

Also – don’t forget that I’ll be hosting another The Paisley Heart giveaway on my Texas Lovely Facebook page this week (last week’s give-away was the talk of the nursing room at church this morning). Go “like” me so you don’t miss the announcement. (does that sound weird? whatever.) And, stay tuned later this week for a blog post where I tell you how I ate so much fried food at the State Fair of Texas that I made the My Fitness Pal app on my phone explode. Or something like that. It was bad, people. Like, break out the maternity jeans bad. (for the record… I finally put the maternity jeans away… it was a big step.)

Look at me rambling. I must be excited. Here’s to new beginnings and getting back on my diet. And jeans that don’t have elastic panels around the belly. And getting to wear my denim jacket whenever I want. And yoga pants on work-from-home days. And jeans. Man, I love denim.

One Comment

  1. Love this! Congratulations on the new job neighbor!! It was great to see you Sunday! Welcome to the nursing room club!


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