A good day

It’s amazing how the little things can change the course of your day. It makes me so happy to wake up to the aroma of fresh coffee percolating, waiting for me to enjoy the first cup. And then a second. Maybe with a little touch of milk.

I really should set up my coffee maker the night before, so that every morning I can wake up to this little piece of happiness. But I get too busy sometimes. It seems that I get preoccupied doing things that don’t matter, and neglect to take care of things that do. Even something as small as preparing my coffee.

So in honor of my coffee (I’m even trying a new flavor tomorrow… French Vanilla instead of my typical Hazlenut), I’ve made a list of silly things that make me really happy.

  • Watering my flowers in the morning.
  • The smell of books.
  • When my dog cuddles up next to me while watching TV.
  • Pay day.
  • A fire in my fireplace.
  • The smell of barbecue.
  • A day with no appointments.
  • Pedicures with girlfriends.
  • Dinner with girlfriends.
  • Sunday afternoon naps.
  • Saturday afternoon naps are good too.
  • March… when the media starts covering spring training.
  • Baseball games.
  • Taking my dog for walks around the lake in my neighborhood.
  • Knitting.
  • The way I feel after I run. Or lift weights.
  • Getting a strawberry milkshake on my way home from working out.
  • Hot tea.
  • Donuts. Kolaches.
  • Warm chocolate chip cookies, straight from the oven.
  • Knowing that a new episode of my favorite TV show is waiting for me on my Tivo. And I get to skip the commercials.
  • A warm day after a string of cold, rainy ones.

I’m off to bed. My coffee will be brewing in just a few hours.

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