Yellow & Gray Chevron Baby Quilt

Goodness knows I love yellow and gray – they’re the colors I used for my wedding, and the colors I’ve used for my never-ending yo yo quilt. And so of course when I stumbled across this fabric, I just HAD to make a quilt with it.
Oh yeah, and I’m obsessed with chevron. It was a match made in heaven.

I’ve never pieced a back before, but for some reason the mood struck me (and I was trying to save a little of that gorgeous gray and white fabric), and I love the way this turned out. I may have to do this with my other quilts since I (a) stink at math and always have pieces left over, and (b) it makes me happy, and quilting should ALWAYS make you happy.

I never sell my quilts – they take so much time and energy (and materials) that I only make them as gifts. Until now. If you’d like your very own Texas Lovely original quilt, then head on over to my little shop and make this girl’s day.


  1. […] is yellow and gray. My never-ending yo yo quilt I’m making myself is yellow and gray. My last baby quilt was yellow and gray. My “You are my Sunshine” print is designed in yellow and gray. […]


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