We choose joy

What a week. Things were hard when it started, and then they got tougher. To my praying friends, please feel free in join me in praying for these things:

1. “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful servants.” Psalm 116:15
We lost a great man to cancer this week – a favorite relative of Mr. Right, whom he worked for and admired and respected. He was a patriarch of their family, and while we will miss him desperately, we are also rejoicing that he’s reunited in heaven with his maker.
We’ll be roadtripping to Oklahoma soon to celebrate this great man’s life, and will probably eat our weight in fried chicken and pies.
2. Remember how our house got broken into a few weeks ago? Our homeowner’s insurance may not cover the cost to fix our air conditioner. It’s one of those red tape technicalities that took us completely by surprise. Please join us in praying that as we fight this decision, the insurance company will reconsider, thus saving us thousands of dollars in repairs of a costly piece of equipment.
But in the midst of a stressful week, we still enjoyed some great moments – I got to read books to my niece, enjoy special time in the car with my man on our West Texas roadtrip, go wedding dress shopping with a special friend, and grab dinner three nights in a row with some amazing women. It was still a good week.
“The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.” Psalm 126:3

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