Truth in advertising

I really hate misleading advertising. I feel qualified to criticize the advertising industry, seeing as that’s what I do for a living. And I will proudly tell you that everything I put out is true.

My credit card, on the other hand… not so much.

It’s time for me to purchase my ticket to Europe, and this one is mucho expensive. Going over there we’re flying DFW to Chicago to Madrid to Venice. I’m not sure how we’re getting home, but I do know we’re leaving form Barcelona. It’s going to be nutty. This ticket may be worth more than my car.

I thought my points on my special VISA card could be used for anything. After all, this is the “World Points” card that can be used for anything… miles, cash, merchandise, maybe even buying a first-born child. Anyway, I thought my 30,000 miles could combine with my 15,000 AA miles, which would leave me only 15,000 miles short of a flight… to the tune of about $500. Except my “no black-out dates, any flight works” card doesn’t work on anything. And it doesn’t translate to any miles. So now I’m left paying cash for a super-expensive ticket. Blah blah blah.

Shame on you VISA. If I had known it was this difficult, I would have ended our relationship a long time ago!

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