Today in incomplete sentences


–Came home sick. Sound like a frog, or a boy in puberty. It’s lovely.
–Took a nice nap. Was so tired/worn-out… stupid, stupid allergies. Had an agreement… don’t have time to be sick. Allergies didn’t keep their end of the bargain.
–Discovered a new sno-cone stand. Love summer. You can go barefoot at a sno-cone stand and nobody looks at you funny.
–On t-shirt at the sno-cone stand: “The only place where it’s okay to eat the yellow snow.” Think I need to buy that. Would that be inappropriately off-color?
–Am still flirting with Twitter. Not sure I see the point. Still. Would rather just call a friend.
–Am about to spend the evening with Beth Moore. Or at least, a DVD of Beth Moore. Still love this Esther series… good for my soul.
Will write in complete sentences when I feel better. Maybe.

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