Thrifty Thursday: DIY Vintage Chalkboards


I have this weird love for chalkboards, even though I’m not artistic and have pretty terrible handwriting. But this didn’t stop me from bringing more chalkboards into the house. I figured, make it now, figure out the details later.

Mr. Right scored us some gorgeous vintage doors FOR FREE from an elderly lady who was selling her house and happy to get rid of them. We have two more left that we’re saving for a special project which will probably happen sometime around 2018 (we have a big project list).


It was a pretty quick project. We lightly sanded the doors and then simply painted the edges white and the used chalkboard paint to paint the centers. They don’t match exactly, but I like to think it adds a little to the charm.

Then, Mr. Right simply screwed them into our wall with a drill and voila… a whole wall of chalkboards! They have turned into endless hours of entertainment for all three of us, including little Wrenn, who adds her own artwork to the bottom (see some of her work below).IMG_1589

It was my genius sister who suggested I use Pinterest as inspiration for my chalk art. And so you’ll see some familiar pics over here on my Chalkboard Pinterest Board. I’ve found that being imperfect makes it quirky and lovely. Perfection is not the goal.


I hope these doors tell stories and share encouragement and bring delight and provide our children a canvas for creating masterpieces for many years to come.



PrintFor prints and other lovelies, visit Texas Lovely on Etsy.

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