The Mullet Quilt

For my mama’s birthday I just knew I wanted to make her a quilt. It was a big milestone birthday and it deserved to be marked with an extra-special gift.

And then I got that pesky morning sickness that is STILL lingering, and all of my quilting dreams went out the window. I haven’t even turned on my sewing machine since November. I would have gone through withdrawals if I had had the energy to care… but you and I know that when you’re too sick to care about taking a shower, you don’t give two thoughts to things like crafts. (PS – I’m showering again, in case you were worried.)

But God came through in his perfect timing, just like he always does, and granted me a nausea-free day (and a day off!) just a few days before the party. So after a marathon session in my beloved but lately neglected sewing studio, I was able to whip out this little beauty. I call her my Mullet Quilt. You know why? Becuase it’s neutral in the front…

And a party in the back.

I was determined to branch out from my regular chevron pattern, but (1) I found these two gray fabrics and fell in love, and (2) it’s already getting hard for me to get up and down off the floor, and I’m getting pretty fast at whipping out chevron patterns and don’t have to do as much work on my hands and knees laying out patterns. I have a feeling the more pregnant I get, the less time I’ll be spending crawling around on the floor. Which means Baby Girl may be getting a chevron quilt too (which would be fitting, because it’s my favorite pattern).

I quilted a straight line along the zig-zags to make the pattern pop. I bought the fabric at my new favorite quilting store, Cabbage Rose in Fort Worth, and it’s so unbelievably soft. And gorgeous. Mr. Right talked me into buying the crazy floral backing, and I’m now so in love with it that I may use some of it for the nursery. He’s good at making me branch out of my comfort zone like that.

Later this week I’ll post about the party we threw my mama for her big birthday. In the meantime, happy birthday mom – I love you! And I can’t wait to get back to my sewing machine for the next project.


  1. Bethe, I just love this chevron quilt! And the title is hilarious – just perfect! 🙂 Do you have any tips for making a chevron quilt? I have tried to make 1 and it was a disaster…! Thanks 🙂


    1. I use triangles which are really easy–you use the same method for pinwheels too, it’s just all how you arrange them. Look it up on YouTube–that’s how I learned it.


  2. I can’t get over the back! What a contrast! So good you were able to whip it up so quickly, especially while carrying around a little one to come!


  3. Great name! I am currently 34 weeks and I will say, it takes me a bit longer, but where there is a will there is a way 🙂


    1. Katie, that will be me soon. I’m wondering if I can sweet talk my husband into getting on the floor and basting for me when I get really big. He’s just sweet enough to do it. Congrats on your baby!


  4. I have four wonderful amazing children ranging in age from 27 to 18. I had horrible nausea with all of them, and want to let you know that every day of that nausea has been paid back to me tenfold!!! I know its a tough time to get through, but it is more than worth it, and one day you will look back on those days with fondness. Really! Enjoy every day of your pregnancy. The quilting will be waiting for you when you’re feeling up to it!


  5. […] Saturday), but a few weeks ago I had a burst of energy and some leftover scraps from my mom’s mullet quilt. And so I whipped up this little guy in just a few […]


  6. […] of my biggest goals for 2013 was to finally make a quilt for my mom and my mother-in-law. And I’m proud to say that I was able to accomplish both – one […]


  7. […] It’s sentimental because I used scraps from past quilts that mean a lot to me. The blue polka dot on the center of each square, along with the zebra print, are from Wrenn’s first quilt. The green and blue striped squares, along with the blue backing, are fabrics that Mr. Right brought me home from his trip to India. The red polka dot stripe on the back is from my nephew Jack’s quilt. And the gray binding is from my mom’s quilt. […]


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