Scrappy 9-Patch Quilt for my Mother-in-Law

One of my biggest goals for 2013 was to finally make a quilt for my mom and my mother-in-law. And I’m proud to say that I was able to accomplish both – one while horribly sick with morning sickness (love you mama) and the other while I was nine months pregnant and big as a house (love you, mother-in-law).

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I chose the scrappy 9-patch pattern for two reasons: (1) I’ve never tried it before and had been hankering to give this pattern a whirl – I just love the look of scrappy quilts; and (2) this pattern really has no pattern, which meant almost no getting up and down off the floor with this giant belly of mine. Quilting is a lot of work physically, and I just wasn’t as mobile as normal, so this quilt allowed me to do almost everything on my sewing table.

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I almost named this my Steve Jobs quilt, simply because I listened to his biography on audio books while I sewed. That book is amazing (and 25 hours). With every quilt I make, I can tell you what book I “read” or TV series I watched while doing the work.
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For the front fabric, I used a Moda jelly roll (again, it saved me time on cutting), and because it was so traditional, I wanted to do something absolutely nutty on the back. I found this fabric at Joann’s and immediately fell in love. It’s one of my new favorites in my stash, and I have enough left over to use it again sometime.

I bound it with this adorable polka dot fabric that I’ve had in my stash for years and never used. It matches perfectly and reminds me of a tie I bought my dad as a child.

MIL quilt 1 I am so thankful to have such an amazing, godly, FUN mother-in-law, who welcomed me into her family and treats me like her own daughter. Thanks Ann (MoMo to the grandkids) for being so wonderful, and happy birthday!


(PS – It takes every ounce of my being to take pics at this point… 39.5 weeks pregnant. But, I want to be able to look back at this year and remember the good times… even if I was carrying around a TON of water weight. And baby weight.) Plus, my mother-in-law looks fabulous.


Interested in seeing my other quilts? Click here. Interested in seeing what’s offered in my online shop? Go visit me on Etsy!


  1. 1. You look fantastic! 2. How did you get started with quilting? What advice/tutorials do you recommend to begin? I’m dying to become a quilter and you are so inspiring! 🙂 Did you have a lot of experience with sewing before you started? I have zero!


    1. Thanks Jenny! I couldn’t sew at all before I started. I had a friend show me how to thread my machine, and from then on I taught everything to myself through blogs, YouTube videos and asking other quilters for help/tips. If you want to try quilting, I recommend a simple strip quilt to start with. Easy and you don’t have to line up any corners. Just YouTube it. And start on small quilts–that way you can learn without committing to something that’s going to take you months to finish. Good luck!


  2. This is too funny – I linked up to QuiltStory today with a nine-patch quilt for MY mother-in-law! And it looks so much like yours, too, with very traditional fabrics. Great job on yours! And hang in there with this last week 🙂


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