Pinterest Love: Quilts & Sewing

I’m so excited to find some of my blog buddies are now Pinterest buddies as well. It’s one of the most wonderful things I discovered this summer. That, and Mr. Right’s homemade chocolate chip and pecan cookies topped with chocolate-banana icing. Those are pretty spectacular as well. (Now you know why I’m failing miserably at Project 115? But I AM going back to spin again tonight for the THIRD time this week.)
But back to Pinterest… I’ve been a quilting fool this summer… working on three simultaneously. Mr. Right told me this weekend that the difference between men and women is that a man would start and finish one quilt before he starts another. How boring is that? I know you agree with me… I’m too A.D.D. to commit to just one. Besides, I hope to finish my pink/brown quilt next week while he’s out of town (that I started in 2008… I finished piecing it within a month but never got around to doing the quilting part and instead picked up another quilt… and a master’s degree… and a husband). After that I’ll be down to a very manageable two. So there you go.
But back to Pinterest. Here’s some quilts I’ve discovered on there that make my heart race right now:
This chevron quilt… love the colors and the pattern, which is so hot right now.
I’ve never thought about adding ruffles to a quilt… but maybe I could do a completely ruffled blanket? Or maybe the lower third ruffles and the top two-thirds quilted? Oh the possibilities! (and the yellow and gray color… still my favorite)
Confession: I’ve never actually sewn a ruffle. But I had never made a yo-yo before July, so it’s just a matter of practice. And sweet-talking my sister to teach me how.
Speaking of yo-yo’s… this is officially the prettiest yo-yo quilt I’ve ever seen.
On second thought, that may not be yo-yo’s, it kind of looks like crochet. Which I’m terrible at. But you could still make the pattern with yo-yo’s.
This is exquisite, and I love the monochromatic color. I’m not sure it falls into the quilt category, but it’s my blog, so I’m putting it in anyway. I have no idea how to make that, and I doubt I ever will.
One of my current quilts is a scrappy quilt, and while making it I discovered these circles on a black background… and now I want to change my current one completely (the grass is always greener… especially when your hand-quilts take a year to produce). But I’m already too far along, so I’ll add this one to my ever-growing quilt wish list, and maybe one of my future nieces or nephews will receive one like this:
I don’t know if non-crafty people really “get” a girl’s need to create something. This has become a hobby that is so fulfilling, such a great creative outlet. And someday, every single one of my family members and friends will have a Bethe Original as a birthday present. It just may take awhile. Like decades.


  1. I LOVE those circle quilts! We received handmade quilts for Charlotte and Jensen from Brian's great-aunt…it's a tradition in the family that she makes one for every baby. She had to really get to work when she found out we were expecting two! So maybe it can someday be a tradition that each new baby in your family gets a “Bethe Original”?


  2. Bethe,I've still been reading your blog (I'm just one of those that never comment). However, I LOVE the Chevron pattern. I'm planning to start a quilt this weekend. The Chevron pattern will work perfect!!! Thanks for posting.Stacy Miller


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