
I am officially hooked on The Bachelor once again. I tried my darndest to stay away… to resist… to just say no. But alas, I wasn’t strong enough. And now I am officially addicted.

But one thing has been bothering me about this show for years…
These folks go on all these fabulous dates. The dates usually involve drinking a lot of champagne. Red wine. White wine. Cheese. Strawberries dipped in chocolate. And then they wash it down with more red wine.
So when my hunky bachelor goes in for the big kiss, and all I can think about is how funky their breath must be at that moment! Because if I eat chocolate-covered strawberries and cheese, I get that funny after-taste. I never see these gals chew gum. So unless they’re secretly popping mints that I can’t see, I just have to know what their secret is!
Ahh… the magic of television.

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