On a lighter note: This week


For those of you wondering, this has been a much better week. Life is starting to gain an almost predictable rhythm. I’m learning that Wrenn is wide awake ALL MORNING (that’s not normal for a newborn, to be awake four straight hours… right?), and so I’m trying to just be open to creating a routine around playing, tummy time, carrying her around, etc. during her awake times, and then trying to get things done (or sleep… usually sleep) in the afternoon when she finally sleeps. At night, we’re still all over the page, but thankfully she’s mostly awake to eat, which is much better than those early days where she spent much of her nights crying. She’s sleeping in her nursery, and I am on Season 4 of Weeds on Netflix, which I watch on my iPad while we feed… it gives me something to look forward to during those 3:00 a.m. feedings.


It has been a pretty good week. Last night we had our very first date night where we left her at home with her grandparents. It was crazy hard and also a little bit wonderful – it’s a huge priority for me to continue to date Mr. Right now that we have a kiddo. It felt kind of amazing to put on heels and (maternity… shh… don’t tell) skinny jeans and my new thrifted shirt and go out to a fancy dinner at Texas de Brazil as a belated birthday date to celebrate his 30th, just the two of us.


I got cleared by my doctor to take baths and go swimming. Considering hot bubble baths are my favorite hobby, this was a welcome development.


Mr. Right brought me breakfast in bed. And not just any old breakfast – no, he pays attention to even the smallest details. Isn’t it pretty?


Other than that, we’ve mostly been playing and snuggling and mall walking and dining with family and playing dress up and celebrating every poopy diaper. Things are good.

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