New in the shop – Ruffle Butt Onesies & a New Print

I’ll admit it – I’m a sucker for a baby with a ruffle butt. I just can’t help myself (also – that smile! makes a mama melt)

ruffle butt

Which is why I’ve decided to make a few ruffle butt onesies for the shop. These particular onesies are size 0-3 months made of organic cotton and perfect for a baby gift for that next shower. I added a few yo-yo’s to the front because besides chevron and ruffles, well, yo-yo’s are one of my favorite things.


(link to listing in the shop)

yellow gray

(link to listing in the shop)

Everything on the onesie has finished edges, which means no fraying. If these sell quickly, I’ll be adding some more, but they’ll be slightly more expensive.

Also, if you’re in the market for a baby gift, don’t forget this print, which is available for instant download (which means no waiting for shipping):

Quiver Full2

Now excuse me while I go kiss on my baby model some more…

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