
Happiness is…

  1. Discovering a pair of designer Joe’s jeans in the back of your closet that your husband bought you for almost nothing at a thrift store while you were pregnant, and you had never gotten a chance to wear them… and they fit! (Cue the Hallelujah Chorus.)
  2. A date night with your husband while your parents babysit.
  3. An organized sewing studio.
    sewing room
  4. Finding something that helps with Baby Girl’s colic (not a cure but a big improvement… Mommy Bliss/Gripe Water).
  5. Listening to your daughter coo and seeing a big smile on her place when you play with her.wrenn-d
  6. Only waking up once a night to nurse. (Cue the Hallelujah Chorus.) Baby Girl now sleeps 6-7 hours at a time. Not because of any sleep training we did but simply by the grace of God who had mercy on this mama’s tired soul.
  7. Afternoon naps.
  8. A sleeping baby on your chest.wrenn-f
  9. Going back to church for the first time in two months.
  10. A king sized bed. (We got one! And it’s quite a story… stay tuned.)
  11. Being healthy enough to go back to the gym for the first time since before you were pregnant.
  12. Discovering some of your pre-pregnancy clothes fit again. Not many, but some. (See #11)
  13. Your husband bringing you flowers. Again.
  14. Being off work and being healthy enough to enjoy it.
  15. A book on tape.
  16. A husband who gets a real estate award for having so many closings in one month. Way to go Mr. Right! (and thank you Jesus for providing for our family)
  17. Having lot’s of family members who are willing to babysit.
  18. A hot cup of coffee in the morning.
  19. A bubble bath and a magazine.
  20. Curling up next to your husband and talking about how you can’t believe you’re actually parents.


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