Look at me, I got a makeover!

If you’re reading this in your Google Reader, you’ve just GOT TO click on over to my “real” blog and see my fancy new ‘do! I’m pretty excited about it.

Almost as excited as I was when my fancy, GINORMOUS yellow necklace finally arrived in the mail. I have worn it FOUR TIMES since Thursday night (overdoing it much?) and I’ve only had one measly comment about this super loud accessory.

Which can only mean one thing – I’m just going to have to wear it more often. That settles it.
PS–If anybody knows of a good chiropractor, I may need one after wearing this heavy necklace every day for the next, oh, 20 or so weeks.
Oh, and I know this is the understatement of the year, but it is BRUTALLY hot this week. Like, so hot my husband’s blind spot mirrors melted right off his car. So hot that I don’t even want to go swimming. So hot that all of my summer vegetable plants spontaneously combusted. Okay, so maybe I accidentally killed them, but how are you supposed to keep a tomato plant alive when it’s 107? 
I mean, really? 109 degrees on Wednesday? That’s just not okay. I think it’s time Mr. Right and I start looking for a place in the mountains. Or on a deserted island somewhere. Or maybe I’ll just cope by eating ice cream and sleeping with the fan on.


  1. I admired your necklace on Sunday and got distracted so I forgot to mention it:) I used to work at charming Charlie so I have a jewelry cabinet full of “statement necklaces”…none compare to yours though!Also, I know a great chiro;)


  2. 1. love the necklace! 2. stalked you from your comment on Kendi Everyday's blog cause you made me laugh out loud. I swear if I say something smells bad I have people asking if I'm pregnant, so I hear where you're coming from!


  3. Yay for your new necklace! I hate the heat! It's supposed to get to 106 tomorrow where I live and I'm not happy about it. If you get a sec, I would love to hear your thoughts on my latest post. xowww.daisyraeboutique.comwww.kacieskloset.blogspot.com


  4. Ha – thanks @Ellie Kornexl – don't you just love Kendi's blog? And I'm glad I'm in good company on the false pregnancy allegations – it's funny at first, not so much after the 15th time.


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