
loving: Statement necklaces and orange tops
reading: I’m usually a total bookworm but this year I’ve been using all my free time to sew or design things. I always make time for my daily bible study, and lately I’ve been reading through the New Testament in chronological order. I made it to  Revelation… so almost done! Next up I’m going to do the Beth Moore James bible study.

waiting for: Speaking of statement necklaces, I ordered this one online two whole weeks ago. They said it would take 1-2 weeks to ship… it was two weeks ago today, which means that I’m about to explode with excitement. I’ll be wearing outfits that accentuate this yellow beauty every day for the next week.
excited about: Going to my first Rangers game of the summer Friday night. Someone very generously gave us some AMAZING tickets. It’ll mean another item crossed off my summer bucket list.
missing: My ESL students. A few have called me over the last week to say hi and to show off their new English skills over the phone. It warms my heart that they miss me just like I miss them.

trying to:  balance healthy eating, lot’s of sleep, and discipline in managing my activities so as to keep my stress load under control. I’m successful some of the time. (I’ve found that bubble baths help tremendously.)
working on: Doing as much sewing as possible to get my etsy shop up and running. I’m also doing a few projects on the side that I can’t talk about, but are exciting and taking a little bit of my spare time.

enjoying: Snuggling with my nephew. Or, as my native-Spanish speaking friend mistakenly said this week, huggling. I kind of prefer huggling now.

using: Our TV, now that we finally have a digital antenna and a fancy-schmancy blue ray player that hooks up to Netflix and Hulu. (Have I mentioned we got rid of our cable months ago? Saved us so much money.)

wearing: My hair like this, thanks to a tutorial from this friend. It’s a combination of a poof, a french braid and a bun. My husband totally digs it, and it’s a great way to keep long hair off my neck on hot summer days.
planning: For a giant event at work in a few weeks – our local radio station will be doing their show live from my hospital and I’ve got 837 projects to complete before that happens, in addition to regular work things. It’s going to be a ton of fun though.
singing: I’m being weird about music too. I’m mostly listening to NPR. What is it with me with not reading and not listening to music? Besides, of course, The Civil Wars. I think it’s because my credit card expired and I haven’t updated the new info on my iTunes account, which means I haven’t bought a new song in about 10 months. Gee, it’s easy to become irrelevant quickly, isn’t it? Someone send me a playlist… quick.
needing: A work skirt that fits. Luckily I bought this with a coupon online – should be here next week. I bet it’ll look great with that yellow necklace, and I’ll finally be able to breathe again.

learning: How to sew a few things. And how to start a small business – this is pretty foreign. But I love it.
listening: After writing about my lack of music lately, I just turned on Pandora and Matt White’s Love started playing.
wishing: That I was less of a worrier. I’m a planner, and I’m prepared, which is good. But worrying over things I have no control about? It’s not healthy, and it makes me tired. And so I continue to pray that God will fill me with faith and joy, and I continue to be reminded of how desperately I need Him, because I’m hard-wired to do the opposite.
doing: I just finished hosting 7 parties in the past 4 weeks, including 5 that were at our house (not work events – personal events). It was the the most fun month ever. And I’m worn out. So for the next few weeks I’m doing NO party planning at home. Just relaxing. And of course, planning lot’s of parties at work, since that’s what I do for a living.
praying for: Oh how I wish I could share my list of prayer requests, but not at this point, in this venue. The good news is that I know God can totally, 100% handle my needs. So I’m praying with confidence, and feel free to join along with me. 🙂 
dreaming of: Getting to reveal my new online store with my fancy new logo and a few things that people might actually want to have for themselves. Soon, my friend. Very soon.

Want to play along? What are you currently up to?
PS–I got this idea from one of my favorite blogs, Jones Design Company


  1. Bethe! Thanks for the tag! I'm really glad the hairdo works for you… I'm trying to learn how to do it upside down next, so everything ends up on top of my head :)LOVE your statement necklaces! I'm wearing the pants out of my turquoise one from JCrew/eBay – best purchase ever.I'm interested to hear more about how you got rid of your cable – that bill is KILLING us, and we're always talking about how there's never anything on!!Also, I use Spotify, which is like a step-up from Pandora. You download it as an application on your computer, and it works something like iTunes – you can listen to specific albums and playlists that you create (and share), and it's completely free and legal! It's not portable unless you pay for a subscription, but they do have a free radio app like Pandora. Just my two cents 🙂


  2. @megB I will post more about our no-cable plan… I promise, it's worth it! Thanks for the music tip. And thanks @Will for adding new stations to our playlist… any Vanilla Ice stations on there? 🙂


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