
After such a serious blog, I must lighten the mood and brag on myself, and make fun of myself. All of this caffeine is keeping me from sleeping, so I might as well keep writing.

I have been so good lately. Last Saturday, I ran 7 miles (at 6 a.m.!). Last night, I ran 4-5 after class. On Saturday, I plan to tackle 8. Go me. I kind of figured I would have quit this half-marathon thing by now.

Now for the shameful part. Today I ate Chick-fil-a. Twice. For breakfast and lunch. They were handing it out at the hospital and I managed to scavenge enough food to save me from having to actually stop working to eat. I would have had it for dinner, too, but I had a coworker who was hungry, and I gave her my spare chicken sandwich. Yep, I’m selfless alright. And sick of chicken. So for my dinner… some cereal I found in my desk drawer and some cinnamon bread from Starbucks. If you added some Ramen noodles to the list, I’d be back in college.

Yesterday? My awesome diet consisted of quiche, a large meatball sub, Doritos, and four granola bars for dinner… two on my way to class, two after class on my way to go running. And then I topped the night off with cereal around 10:30. Because they say the best thing to do is eat dinner right before you go to bed. I think Oprah had that in a book somewhere.

Sunday? Well, I managed two dinners that night. One from Taco Bell, one from Red Robin. Tacos, burgers, and french fries. Oh yeah, and I also had donuts and barbecue.

Yep, I’m a regular Olympic athlete. On the outside, I’m a lean-mean running machine, and on the inside, I’m one giant clogged artery. But this giant clogged artery is just doing her best to survive, and will get back to eating healthy as soon as her schedule slows down. Don’t judge me, just love me.

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