I’m still here

First off – I want to say thank you to everyone who has been so faithful to pray for us these past few weeks. I have some great news – my nausea is improving quite a bit! I still have my moments (and am still fully reliant on some heavy-duty nausea medication) but my appetite is returning and most days I’m feeling much better. I went from living on Saltines to expanding my diet to include Pei Wei (crazy, right?), a burger from In-N-Out, and chicken fried steak. I won’t be winning any awards for healthy eating but I’m just so happy that I can eat normal food with protein. It’s amazing how much better I feel after a good meal.

Tonight Mr. Right is bringing me Indian food (chicken tikka masala). Apparently this baby loves ethnic food. However, this baby still HATES sweets. So strange.

I also faithfully continue my mega-resting on nights and weekends. It broke my heart to miss my ESL end-of-semester banquet, along with more Christmas parties than I’d care to count, but I’m determined to do my part to keep this bun in the oven. Thanks to some wonderful family, though, I’ve been able to squeeze in a little fun while keeping my feet up.

Like, when my sister brought me dinner last week, and stayed for awhile to chat. It was good for my lonely soul, and even better because she brought that cute nephew of mine – I got my cuddling quota in for the week.

My aunt from England came in this week to spend Christmas with us. She stayed with us Friday night, and Mr. Right loaded us up in the car and took us on a tour of Fort Worth’s best Christmas lights. Then Saturday she spent the day sitting around with me, chatting and catching up in front of a fire in the fire place.

Saturday night, my sweet in-laws hosted my side of the family at their house for a big dinner. We wanted to let my aunt ride their horses and enjoy some “country” time. It was so nice to be surrounded by my favorite people, enjoy some fresh air (while relaxing in a lawn chair), and not be cooped up in the house.

Of course, we had to take a few pics of a baby on a pony. I think my nephew Luke is a natural.

Today it was back on the couch for some good resting (and napping) and movie watching. I managed to wrap our Christmas presents (first productive thing I’ve done in ages), and now I’m back on the couch, giving Freaks & Geeks a try thanks to my blog readers’ recommendations.

Please keep those prayers coming. Three more weeks ’til I’m off the high risk list and back to normal.


  1. I promise to pray for you, Mr. Right, and that sweet baby . There is no end to that- you are on my prayer list chicky ! Much love to you 3, and a very Merry Christmas.


  2. So glad you are feeling better! I’ll keep thinking of you and praying for your family! Morning (or all day) sickness is a doosey. I struggled with it until well into the second trimester but woke up one day and felt like a new person!! 🙂 Funny how now all I remember are the good parts of being pregnant. It is all worth it for that little bundle. Stay well my friend.


    1. Thanks Ashley! I’m dreaming about that day I wake up and feel like a new person! Hoping it’s not too far into the second trimester. Tomorrow would be nice. 🙂


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