I want to dream BIG in 2014


Free download from Texas Lovely

My goal for 2014 is to dream big. The past few years my goal has been to rest, to pace myself, to slow down, to not overdo. And in those seasons that was what I needed because my life was filled with work and stress and growing a baby and then having a baby and learning how to be a new mom.

It was an amazing season in my life. And now it’s time for a new season. In this season I want to get back to doing something I feel like I haven’t done in a few years.

I want to DREAM.

I want to think and plan, not just for this week or this month or this year, but for the future. I want to try things I’ve never done before, to experience thrills, to conquer fears. To live with reckless abandon. To do things BIG.

To worry less about failing.

To worry less about what others think.

One of those things I want to do is to grow my little blog. Would you help me? I’m offering this print as a free download – would you tell your friends, pin it on Pinterest, and help share the love? You would make this girl very, very happy.

Keep dreaming, my friends.


Other places you can find Texas Lovely:
On Facebook: www.facebook.com/texaslovelyshop
On Instagram: texas_lovely
On Etsy


  1. Bethe, enjoyed your refreshing and ambitious plan for 2014. Look forward to following your blog. Best wishes for continued success in all that you do as you DREAM BIG.


  2. Sweet Bethe – your blog is pure joy!
    I am blessed to have met you, worked by your side, and absolutely learned from your example.
    Way to go on your 30 day goals!! Sounds like the recipe for success!
    I will stay tuned…


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