Hunting and fishing and shopping… oh my!

This weekend we jaunted off to San Saba to a ranch getaway with Will’s family. This ranch was in the middle of a pecan orchard, with a spring that ran right through the middle, an adorable 60-year-old ranch house, a fire pit for roasting marshmallows…

And a dead deer hanging from a nearby tree by his hind legs.

Welcome to the country.

I’m a total city girl who doesn’t hunt and only owns pink camouflage, but it turns out that on this ranch getaway, the girls cook and shop while the boys hunt and grunt and fish, get their clothes dirty, and do extra manly things. I rather like this sort of ranch.

We girls set the boys off hunting Saturday morning with full bellies, and then jetted over to Fredericksburg for a half day of shopping and eating. I was able to snag the most adorable lace, one-of-a-kind boutique ruffled dress (for 50% off… hooray) and my sweet in-laws gifted me with some extra-sassy cowgirl boots for an early birthday present. We snagged homemade cookies at a local bakery and topped off the afternoon with a Sonic run.

It was a wonderful, relaxing weekend… until poor Mr. Right came down with the stomach flu. It made for a long night and a very long drive back. I felt horrible for him.

Now I have a sick husband on my couch and a couple bags of bloody dead birds (and part of a deer) in my freezer. Mr. Right has assured me that when he’s better, he’ll cook me dove wrapped in bacon. While I have long held the theory that anything wrapped in bacon will taste good… I may have found the one exception. We’ll find out soon.

Oh, and while we were out of town a stray pit bull (or other equally aggressive breed of dog) took up residence in our driveway. While I assume he likes us, since he brought a stray sock and tree branch to me this morning, he also growled and showed aggression toward our house sitter over the weekend, so this morning I paid a little call to animal control.

Life is never boring, is it?

Here are pics from our weekend adventure:

Will and I, while he was still feeling healthy

Will’s cousin, Will’s grandmother, and Will (it was Grammy’s 79 birthday)

Will’s cousin, grandmother, dad, and aunt

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