Happy birthday to my blog… and to me.

Today is my birthday. Not only that, but it’s also the fifth birthday for my little blog.

Here’s the first post, written on my 27th birthday. Well, technically, there’s the first post, but a few months ago I moved everything over to this fancy new home.

Well, that’s not exactly right either. Technically I’ve been blogging more than five years. Because really, I started over here in July 2005. Do you realize that was seven-and-a-half years ago? My goodness, a lot has changed in that time, but funny enough, much of the time I still feel like that 24-year-old wide-eyed girl. I’m so thankful for (and highly amused at) the chance to go back and relive what life was like from 24-32. It has been a wild ride for sure.

But back to today’s birthday. Today I turn 32 (although if anybody asks, I’ll say I’m 29), and since it’s also Thanksgiving, I thought I’d look back at what I was thankful for in year 31:

-I am thankful for my TWO new nephews. Those little boys have totally changed my life. I’m head over heels in love with both of them. Both are total miracle babies, and both increased my faith in different ways.

-I am thankful for the chance to open my little Etsy shop. I have learned SO much about opening a business, about bookkeeping, about shipping. It has been a total blast, but also a ton of work. (PS – I just signed up for my first pop-up Flea Market event for next weekend – stay tuned for more details)

-I am thankful for Mr. Right’s new job. It was a huge leap of faith to leave his current job at the church and venture out to try something new. And while we launch his new business, we’re dreaming about the next step in our ministry. The two are not mutually exclusive.

-I am thankful for the chance to visit BOTH coasts this year… two trips to the West Coast and one to the East Coast. The gypsy in me enjoyed visiting all new places this year.

-I am thankful for both of our families, and for their continued health. We had a few scares this year, but I am thankful that God blessed me with TWO amazing families who love Jesus.

-I am thankful for my own health. After battling a health issue for almost 18 months, I am happy to say that I am fully healed and so very thankful to finally feel good again.

-I am thankful for sweet friends, both old and new.

-I am thankful for my ESL ministry. It’s such a privilege to do something that you really love and work with people who feel like family.

-I am thankful for Mr. Right, for the way he has supported me, taken care of me, and been my best friend. He pushes me to take risks, and cheers me on when I feel unsure of myself.

So Happy Thanksgiving… and 32… here goes nothing!

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