Free Download

Update: If you have found my meal planner through another blog – welcome! I hope you’ll check out my other printables in my Etsy shop – Texas Lovely.


I saw a great meal-planning guide on Pinterest, and decided to make one that better suited my needs. And, like everything else in life, grocery shopping is more fun if you get to carry a cute list. I chose to break it into just a few easy categories, since we buy almost everything fresh – no frozen or heavily processed foods for us if we can at all help it. Except, of course, for those wonderful boxed muffin and waffle mixes that I’ll admit to you I adore, but if you tell anybody I’ll swear I make them from scratch!

And because I like you, I’m offering it as a free download to my sweet blog friends. Just click on the link and then choose the “download” option. Feel free to spread the love by linking to it on your blog if you like it. And if you do download it, please leave me some love in the comment section, just so I know your’e out there.


  1. very cute Bethe, thanks! I know I'll enjoy this instead of the back of a piece of paper w/something printed on the front of it already. That's my normal mo:)


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