Drowned Rat

I think the Concert in the Gardens is cursed. At least, it’s cursed for me.

The first time I tried to go (on a date), it was rained out. But that’s cool, because that guy is long gone.

The second time I tried to go (another date), it didn’t rain. But it ended up being my last date with a different guy.

So this time, I decided to go with friends. No dates. Just friends. And you know what?

It poured on us. We got soaked. And cold. We had to run back to the bus, dragging our elaborate picnic (which I had made for everybody) through the mud. We didn’t see a concert. Didn’t see any fireworks. Although we did see plenty of lightening.

So I give up. No more Concerts in the gardens for me. I’ll go see the symphony like a normal person. Indoors.

But, the night wasn’t a total loss. I ended up having a fabulous “Bethe night” on my couch, curled up with a book, listening to classical music with the rain providing a soothing backdrop.

I need to do that again.

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