David’s Bridal still stinks

In case you’re keeping up with the wedding dress saga…

The Evil David’s Bridal came back today to say that they will order Sister Lindsay another new dress (this is her THIRD new dress, in case you’re counting), and it will take at least a week to come in. After that, they’re not sure if they’ll give her free alterations or not. If they’re not in the mood, I guess we’re out of luck. 
Uggh. Why can’t people just take responsibility for their mistakes and do the right thing? How hard would it be for them to say, “We’re really sorry that we made this part of your wedding 100 times more stressful than it needed to be. And so, to make it up to you, because we as a company want to do the right thing, we will alter your dress for free. After all, we did fail at the alterations three times before. And we bled on your dress. And ripped a few holes in. And David’s Bridal is better than that, and we stand behind our products.”
But no. Apparently the Evil David’s Bridal doesn’t worry about providing quality work, even though they like to charge quality prices.

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