Countdown to Cali

Friends, I’m hopping on a plane and headed to sunny California this week! Well, actually it’s northern California, home to gray overcast skies, but it’s California nonetheless.

I’m headed to a social media conference at a winery in Sonoma for a few days. I know, rough life. I’ll be staying in a big empty hotel room, all by myself, with no baby monitor, no barking dog, no chores to do. I plan on doing some deep sleeping while I’m there. I’m going to eat all of my meals with both hands, no juggling a baby and praying she stays happy while we inhale our food.

I won’t have to make a single bottle (although I’ll have all the joys of pumping on the road) or change a single diaper for three whole days.

And oh my gosh, I’m going to be in a hotel room, 1,000 miles from my baby girl. And Mr. Right. And my baby girl. For the first time. And I won’t get to snuggle with her, smell her sweet baby smell, be on the receiving end of her big, open-mouthed wet kisses, or hold her as she falls asleep.

Please pray for me.

We practiced Face Timing over the weekend. First we called Wrenn’s grandparents – she looked confused, as if to say, “How did grandma and grandpa get inside your phone?” She was serious and curious, but not unhappy.

So being the first-time parents that we are, we decided to practice Face Timing with me to see what Wrenn would do.

She had a total meltdown. She did NOT like seeing her mama on the phone without being able to touch her. It was awful. She cried. I cried. And y’all… I was just one room away. I still cried, because the thought of her melting down like that while I’m in California… well, that would break my heart.

Did I mention during all this crying, Mr. Right just laughed? Thanks a lot, honey.

Deep breaths. I can do this. She’s six months old. She has no concept of time. She’s in good hands with her daddy while I’m gone. It’s only for three days. She probably won’t even notice that I’m gone.

Oh my gosh, what if she starts crawling and I miss it? Baby girl, don’t you dare do anything new or cute while I’m gone. And Mr. Right, if she does, don’t you dare tell me.

Really, I’m so excited about my trip that I could spit. I couldn’t travel while I was pregnant because I was too sick to function most of the time (ahh, memories), so it has been almost two years since I’ve hopped on a plane. That’s two years too long for this girl who has traveling in her DNA.

Any advice on how to survive my first trip away? And, any advice for pumping on the road? I’ve got a battery pack for my pump, steam bags for the hotel, a dozen storage bottles and pump parts, and an ice chest for the travel home (Suitcase weight limit? Whatever dude.). I think I know what I’m doing, but if you’ve been there and have some good tips, I’d love to hear them!


il_570xN.553634680_5tueHave you seen my newest print in the shop?

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