Community party girl

For awhile it seemed like I was cutting back on all of those community events that come with my job. I only went to a handful of formal events last year, and it was good to take a break. But now the break is over and I’m back to being a community socialite.

Tonight was an auction. I bid on a few autographed baseball pictures and a hot stone massage. We’ll see if I won anything. I strongly considered bidding on being “Mayor for the Day” for one of my local cities. It would be interesting to play politics for a day, and it’d be good publicity for my hospital. But, I decided I’d rather go for the massage. A girl has to have her priorities.

Last week was a volunteer appreciation dinner for the Cowtown Marathon at a ritzy Fort Worth country club. They served the most fabulous salad I have EVER had in my entire life at that dinner. If you want a good salad, visit Mira Vista Country Club. Seriously.

I’m not sure what event is next… I should check my calendar. I need an excuse to buy a new dress!

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