
Sorry that I’m behind on posting new blogs, but if it makes you feel better, I’m behind on most things at the moment. I’m behind on homework, behind on putting up my laundry, behind on running some errands. As soon as I catch up, I’ll be back. In the meantime, I’ve had a great week…

-I planted 120 flowers in my front graden over the weekend. Pink petunias and cute little silver leaf plants. My garden definitely says “girly”! I’m taking bets on how long they survive my green thumb…

-Monday was my favorite middle sister’s birthday (I also have a favorite little sister, but her birthday isn’t until December). The big 2-4 celebration will last all week, culminating with a huge night out this weekend. I already have my shirt (and dancing shoes) picked out.

-Last night, as part of birthday celebration week, my two sisters and I went and got pedicures and then to our favorite little coffee shop to hang out afterward. I never laugh so hard as when I’m with my sisters. They’re hilarious, and totally “get” me. Now we all have gorgeous,pampered toes painted a vast array of bright colors.

Now it’s time to catch up on putting away that laundry that is sitting on my bed so that I have a place to sleep tonight. That means I can cross one “to-do” item off my list. Eighty more to go.

Oh–and tomorrow I have to give a speech in front of 200 business people. Here’s hoping that tomorrow’s speech won’t make my Top 10 List of Most Embarassing Moments. I hope it’s nice and forgettable.

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