Battle of the Baptists

I absolutely love my softball team. But not because we’re good. We’re half-way through our third season together, and we progressively get worse every week. By the end of the season, we’ll be lucky if we can find the field.

But tonight was different! We actually won! Our Baptist team beat First Baptist Fort Worth, the only team with fewer wins than us (eh hem, that means ZERO).

So Schrute Farms is now 2-5 for the season, with three more games to go. I suggest we quit now while we’re at our peak, because there’s very little chance we’ll get close to tasting victory again. We’re in a tough league.

But even though we lose (okay, we get demoralized) almost every week, it doesn’t matter. Because the main reason we play is so we have an excuse to get together. The highlight is always the dinner before or after the game. And once you get used to losing, it doesn’t sting quite as bad.

Besides, we have the best mascot. Our lucky Dwight bobblehead that’s no longer attached to his body (that’s what happens when you drop it while trying to put it in your purse… oops) that makes an appearance at every game. Or at least, when I remember to bring him.

And, we have the cutest t-shirts. And if you’re going to lose, you might as well look darn good doing it!

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