Yea for Swag!

I complain a lot about grad school because it takes all my time, costs a lot of money, and makes me work hard on stuff that doesn’t necessarily always (ever) interest me.

But tonight, that first $15,000 worth of school paid off! Because…

I got swag! There’s a gal in my class who works for Pier 1, and she brought us each a bag of Pier 1 goodies! Yea! I got some candles, soap, Christmas decorations, and a beach mat, all for FREE! They’re moving offices and she had to clean out some stuff from storage, and we all got to benefit!

It was definitely the highlight of my whole semester. Maybe my whole graduate career to this point. I can’t wait to use my new lemonade-flavored soap tonight! See, all this hard work is worth it…

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