Welcome to my new home!

Thanks for following me over to my new home. A good host knows how to show her guests some hospitality, so I’m offering a giveaway to thank you for taking the time to update your blog feed, google reader, favorites bar, etc. I don’t like change either, so I want to make it worth your effort.

I’m giving away a free art print from my shop. There are two ways to enter:

1. Subscribe to texaslovely.com by email (see the option on the far right column).

2. Leave a comment on this post telling me which art print you’d like from my shop.

Contest ends Thursday night at midnight. I’ll hold a drawing and ย announce the winner Friday.


  1. I want the “be thankful” one! I am about to do some fall decorating around the house and that one would look, well, lovely!


  2. Yay Bethe! I’d LOVE the Fearfully and Wonderfully Made print…because, well…we are!! I hope your Etsy shop has been doing well!


  3. Ah! Love the new blog! I’ve already updated my blog favorites ๐Ÿ˜‰ And I suppose if I have to choose a favorite I’d choose the “be thankful”. Love them all!


  4. […] tonight is the deadline to enter my contest for a free Texas Lovely art print of your choice! Go here for all the details. Share this:EmailFacebookTwitterPinterest This entry was posted in another embarassing moment, Mr. […]


  5. Love the new blog! You’re always so witty! I love, love, love the “You Are My Sunshine” print. I’ve been eyeing it for a while now, so if I happen to win that’s the one I want. : )


  6. Love your blog. I’m a DFW-er myself, and it’s fun to read about your life and ministry. Although I LOVE your scripture art pieces, the art piece I love the most is the “Adventures” one, probably because I’m a newlywed and love the excitement of an adventure with my honey. ๐Ÿ™‚


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