Tow trucks, backpacks, and hobbits

Today was my very last first day of school. Ever. I made my family promise that if I ever decide to pursue a PhD, that they will hold an intervention and, if necessary, knock some sense into me by force. Or, they have my permission to lock me up until I return to my senses. This is indeed my very last semester. And I think it’s going to be a good one.

And if it’s not, that’s okay, because it’s also my LAST one. Three and a half long years, and I’ll finally have something to show for all that hard work!
As for my car… they towed poor Snowflake away today. I laughed as I hid my key under a flower pot on my front porch, thinking that somebody might try to steal poor Snowflake. But they sure wouldn’t get very far! No word yet on how bad the damage is… I appreciate any prayers you might send my way for an affordable fix. I keep reminding myself that it’s just “stuff.” I’m trying to keep it in perspective. No need to stress too much about temporary things.
I wonder how many skipped pedicures it will take to pay off this repair bill? I’m guessing I may have hobbit feet by then. I’m also thinking about getting rid of my lawn boy (gulp). I know. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
In the meantime… I’m taking up a new hobby. It’s a bit of a surprise, but I promise to write all about it next week. Let’s just say that it’s an athletic endeavor that should prove to be a lot more fun than that silly half marathon I had considered training for. This one involves athleticism… precision… and cute shoes. 
Oh yeah, that’s my kind of sport.

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