THIS is the day. THIS DAY!

This is the day

What if we lived like THIS IS THE DAY. THIS DAY. TODAY! This is the one we’ve been waiting all our lives for! Yes, it just happens to be a Wednesday, sandwiched in the middle of a crazy week. But God created THIS DAY. For me! And he has all sorts of things planned just for today. People I will encounter. Folks who need love. Today, God has ordained so many things, just for me.

And maybe for you too? Would you join me in choosing joy, just for today? Friends, we can totally do it. Together. You and me. And look for little glimpses of God in the tiny details of our day. Pray he opens our eyes to him, just a little wider than yesterday.

I hope you have a BIG DAY today, filled with God’s wonders. May we rejoice and be glad.


I have two posts this week over on the Fort Worth Moms Blog. I wrote about Caring for My Asthma Kid, and also my Mother’s Guide to Herb Gardening. Also, if you’re in DFW and you’re looking for some fun new restaurants that are AWESOME for take-out (because let’s face it… taking kiddos to restaurants isn’t always the most relaxing thing), I wrote this post a few weeks back featuring some of our favorite haunts around town.


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