The longest day EVER

Yesterday I worked a full, action-packed day, then had a full extra day to go shopping and hang out and sew. How?

Well, that’s what happens when your day starts at 2:00 a.m. and goes until 10:00 p.m. And that’s why I don’t have a job in morning radio.

Okay, full disclosure – there’s several other reasons why I don’t have a job in morning radio. Like, nobody has asked me. And my voice isn’t that great. But I think the number one reason will always be that I don’t want to set my alarm for 1:55 a.m. ever again.

We hosted the area’s most popular news/talk morning show at the hospital on Friday, and it was one of the most fun experiences of my PR career. I work with a lot of reporters and producers, and this team was probably the greatest I’ve ever worked with. Everybody was professional, but laid-back, ON TIME, no drama, and delivered much more than they promised. It was a really fantastic experience.

It’s also very strange to have a conversation with someone who has an iconic voice that you’ve heard on the radio for years – it’s kind of like their lips are moving but the sound doesn’t match up.
After putting in a full 8-hour day, I went home and crashed for two glorious hours, then woke up and it was only 1:00, which left me feeling like I’d somehow snagged an extra 3-day weekend for myself. What a treat.
And what did I do with my spare time? Sew pillows of course – you can check out the new additions in my shop. I also picked up the rest of the fabric so I can finally start my nephew Jack Henry’s baby quilt. I’m down to just two months until his arrival so it’s time to get scootin’. His mama (my sister-in-law) picked out a couple fabrics she loved and I’m supplementing – can’t wait to share it with you. I’ve changed my mind a dozen times on the pattern, but in the end went with a slight variation of what I had wanted to do all along. I can’t wait to start cutting.

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