
In honor of Thanksgiving, here is a list of things I’m thankful for:

  • My savior, Jesus, who loves me when I don’t deserve it, and who is more powerful that I will ever be able to understand.
  • I have the most awesome family. Ever. You may think your family is cool, but I’m convinced that mine may be better. They’re just really wonderful. And they make me laugh.
  • I have a job that I love. It allows me to help people when they’re sick and hurting. I get paid to work with local charities. I get to be creative and think outside the box every day. Every once in awhile I get to be on TV or in the paper. And I have fantastic bosses and coworkers. I’m so thankful for this, since it’s where I spend most of my time.
  • I got free tuition for grad school this semester. In fact, they even paid me a stipend. That’s spending money that I wasn’t expecting, not to mention that I saved about $6,000 in tuition this fall. That’s huge.
  • I have a really great church. They don’t just talk a good game, the folks there are mission-minded, outward-focused, and passionate about people. They’re not preachy, yet they’ve got such an obvious faith. I’m so proud to serve with them.
  • I got to make some new friends this year. Some came from unexpected places. Funny how that works.
  • I’m really healthy. So healthy that I get to run a half-marathon in two weeks. A lot of folks don’t have the opportunity to do that.
  • I have a home. One that I built, so it’s exactly the way I want it. Even though I’ve only lived here two years, I already have a lot of good memories here.
  • I get to travel a lot. This year I went to New York. Next year I’m going to Europe, and possibly Miami. I’ve gotten to see a lot of neat places since I got out of school.
  • I’m debt free. That’s a huge blessing.
  • I have a really cool dog.
  • I live in America, which means I have the freedom to do just about anything I want to do. I realize that freedom didn’t come without a cost. I’m thankful for that.
And I’m thankful that I have a warm bed waiting for me. Goodnight!

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