Couples Shower Invitation Design

JM Invite

I’m going to admit something – I don’t love designing invitations. I don’t know why, but they totally stress me out. I think it’s because there’s a fine line between really boring and really tacky, and that sweet spot in the middle puts a lot of pressure on me. But, I designed this invitation for a shower we hosted in Midland over the weekend for Mr. Right’s cousin, and I’m so delighted with how they turned out! He’s an outdoorsy guy and she’s pretty feminine, so I thought it was a great combination for the invitation.


Wrenn did great on the 5 hour road trip (which we did two days in a row), and I have decided that that dry West Texas air is perfect for my impossible-to-curl hair.

Now excuse me while I rush to finish start their wedding quilt – I’m a little behind!


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